CfP: Transnational relations between Eastern Europe/Russia-USSR and the Middle East, late 19th century to 1991

CfP: Transnational relations between Eastern Europe/Russia-USSR and the Middle East, late 19th century to 1991

Transnational relations between Eastern Europe/Russia-USSR and the Middle East, late 19th century to 1991 Princeton University, Part of a Université de Genève/Princeton University partnership grant co-directed by Sandrine Kott (UNIGE) and Cyrus Schayegh (PU). 10-11 February 2017 Deadline for submitting abstracts: 15 September 2016 Histories of Eastern Europe [EE]/Russia – Middle East [ME] transnational relations form a relative lacuna...

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Venezia e l’Europa Orientale tra il tardo Medioevo e l’Età moderna

Venezia e l’Europa Orientale tra il tardo Medioevo e l’Età moderna

L’Istituto Romeno di Cultura e Ricerca Umanistica di Venezia, con il supporto dell’Istituto Culturale Romeno di Bucarest, con il patrocinio dell’Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia e dell’Accademia Romena di Bucarest, e con la collaborazione del Consolato Generale di Romania a Trieste, organizza il Convegno internazionale di studi «Venezia e l’Europa Orientale tra il tardo Medioevo e l’Età...

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Survivre aux empires

Survivre aux empires

Xavier Bougarel (Auteur du texte) Survivre aux empires : islam, identité nationale et allégeances politiques en Bosnie-Herzégovine   Basé sur de nombreux séjours sur le terrain et sur une connaissance intime des sources écrites, cet ouvrage constitue une analyse novatrice de l’histoire post-ottomane et post-communiste des musulmans bosniens. Il explore des aspects méconnus de la crise yougoslave et rend compréhensibles les...

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Conférences de Eric Lohr

Conférences de Eric Lohr

Eric Lohr, Professor and Susan Carmel Lehrman Chair of Russian History and Culture à l’American University, Washington, est à Paris du 15 mai au 15 juin. Spécialiste reconnu de la première guerre mondiale dans l’empire de Russie, il a publié plusieurs articles et ouvrages sur le sujet et a récemment travaillé sur la citoyenneté russe de l’empire de Russie à l’URSS, Il donnera trois conférences: La première...

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CfP: Beyond the European Theatre of 14-18

CfP: Beyond the European Theatre of 14-18

Call for articles, special issue of Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée Beyond the European Theatre of 14-18: The Other Great War in the Muslim World Deadline Proposals for papers: January, 31 2015 “Suppose that Germany, France and England constituted, by themselves, the entire world: suppose that, all over the globe, there were only three countries and all around deep seas. Would it make war?”… “The war spread from East...

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CfP: International Congress on Ottoman Studies

CfP: International Congress on Ottoman Studies

Call for Papers International Congress on Ottoman Studies The deadline for submitting abstracts is 30 January 2015. 14-17 October 2015 Sakarya, Turkey The Aim of the Congress The aim of this congress is to bring together Ottoman scholars with the aim of presenting the current state of Ottoman scholarship and giving a future direction to such studies. Modern Ottoman studies started from the perspective of euro-centric history and, to...

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