Freedom of Expression in Russia’s New Mediasphere

Freedom of Expression in Russia’s New Mediasphere

Mariëlle Wijermars, Katja Lehtisaari. Freedom of Expression in Russia’s New Mediasphere (Routledge, 2019) In recent years the Russian government has dramatically expanded its restrictions on the internet, while simultaneously consolidating its grip on traditional media. The internet, however, because of its transnational configuration, continues to evade comprehensive state control and offers ever new opportunities for...

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A Century of Populist Demagogues

A Century of Populist Demagogues

Iván T. Berend. A Century of Populist Demagogues. Eighteen European Portraits, 1918–2018 The renowned historian Ivan Berend discusses populist demagoguery through the presentation of eighteen politicians from twelve European countries from World War I to the present. In this book, Berend defines demagoguery, reflects on its connections with populism, and examines the common features and differences in the demagogues’ programs and...

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Battling over the Balkans

Battling over the Balkans

John Lampre, Constantin Iordachi Battling over the Balkans. Historiographical Questions and Controversies (CEU Press, 2019). The tumultuous history of the Balkans has been subject to a plethora of conflicting interpretations, both local and external. In an attempt to help overcome the stereotypes that still pervade Balkan history, Battling over the Balkans concentrates on a set of five principal controversies from the precommunist...

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Austerities and Aspirations

Austerities and Aspirations

Béla Tomka Austerities and Aspirations. A Comparative History of Growth, Consumption, and Quality of Life in East Central Europe since 1945(CEU Press, 2019) This monograph updates existing scholarship on the economic performance of Czechoslovakia (and its successor states), Hungary, and Poland since 1945, in contrast with Western Europe. For this longitudinal comparative exercise, the author goes beyond the traditional growth paradigm...

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Le ceneri di Babij Jar

Le ceneri di Babij Jar

ANTONELLA SALOMONI Le ceneri di Babij Jar L’eccidio degli ebrei di Kiev Nella profonda e larga gola situata in prossimità di Kiev, nota come Babij Jar, fra il 29 e il 30 settembre 1941 le truppe tedesche sterminarono, a colpi d’arma da fuoco, 33.771 ebrei. Si tratta del più grave eccidio commesso durante il secondo conflitto mondiale. Durante e dopo la guerra il territorio fu modificato, ridisegnato o riconvertito con...

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Irina Matei, Lucian Nastasă‑Kovács CULTURĂ ŞI PROPAGANDA.INSTITUTUL ROMÂN DIN BERLIN (1940–1945)(Editura Mega, 2018) „Conceput ca un așezământ românesc de cultură în Germania nazistă, el a avut soarta multor alte instituții naționale cu profil educativ sau de propagandă din străinătate. Și-a început activitatea într-o atmosferă de optimism, pentru ca mai apoi să decadă. Cauzele sunt multiple, în aparență remarcându-se îndeosebi...

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