

Andrea Franco LE DUE NAZIONALITÀ DELLA RUS’ IL PENSIERO DI KOSTOMAROV NEL DIBATTITO OTTOCENTESCO SULL’IDENTITÀ UCRAINA L’opera si prefigge lo scopo di andare alla radice del conflitto odierno, mettendo in luce le fratture che sono intervenute nel corso della storia, sino a separare le popolazioni russe ed ucraine, entrambe gemmate dal grembo della Rus’. Il libro indaga in particolare le dinamiche che si dipanarono nel corso dei primi...

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CfP: Revisiting the Nation. Transcultural Contact Zones in Eastern Europe

CfP: Revisiting the Nation. Transcultural Contact Zones in Eastern Europe

Revisiting the Nation. Transcultural Contact Zones in Eastern Europe New Europe College, Bucharest 26/02-07/03/2018 Deadline ; 30/08/2017 Convenors : Prisma Ukraïna – Research Network Eastern Europe, Berlin and the Center for Governance and Culture in Europe, Universität St. Gallen, in cooperation with the New Europe College, Bucharest Ever since Mark von Hagen asked “Does Ukraine Have a History?” in 1995, there has been much debate...

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Vocabularies of International Relations after the Crisis in Ukraine

Vocabularies of International Relations after the Crisis in Ukraine

Andrey Makarychev, Alexandra Yatsyk Vocabularies of International Relations after the Crisis in Ukraine The conflict in Ukraine and Russia’s annexation of Crimea has undoubtedly been a pivotal moment for policy makers and military planners in Europe and beyond. Many analysts see an unexpected character in the conflict and expect negative reverberations and a long-lasting period of turbulence and uncertainty, the de-legitimation...

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CfP: 1917 Emergence de l’Ukraine

CfP: 1917 Emergence de l’Ukraine

Inalco, Paris, France  November 2017 Deadline : 1 March 2017 En 2017, le centenaire des révolutions russes est aussi celui d’une révolution ukrainienne spécifique. En Ukraine, les aspirations nationales se sont conjuguées aux revendications politiques et sociales et ont abouti à la création du premier Etat ukrainien moderne. La section ukrainienne de l’INALCO organise à l’occasion de ce centenaire un colloque portant sur tous les...

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Le choix d’Oleg

Le choix d’Oleg

Le choix d’Oleg http://television.telerama.fr/television/a-voir-en-avant-premiere-sur-telerama-fr-le-choix-d-oleg%2C150557.php À partir de l’été 2014, des milliers de jeunes Russes affluent en Ukraine de l’Est, dans la région du Donbass, pour y prendre les armes dopés par la propagande de la télévision d’Etat russe, persuadés de faire leur devoir patriotique. Parmi eux, Oleg et Max. L’un, Oleg, est promu commandant d’un...

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The Return of the Cold War: Ukraine, The West and Russia

The Return of the Cold War: Ukraine, The West and Russia

Edited by J. L. Black, Michael Johns The Return of the Cold War: Ukraine, The West and Russia This book examines the crisis in Ukraine, tracing its development and analysing the factors which lie behind it. It discusses above all how the two sides have engaged in political posturing, accusations, escalating sanctions and further escalating threats, arguing that the ease with which both sides have reverted to a Cold War mentality...

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