Conferenza storia della scienza

Governing Science, Governing by Science. Science and Technology in the Soviet Union (1945-1991) – Moscow, 5th & 6th October 2018
Venue: DHI Moskau, Vorontsovskaya street, 8, b. 7
Friday 5th October

– 09.30-09.45. Arrival of participants, welcoming coffee
09.45-10.00. Grégory Dufaud (Sciences Po Lyon/LARHRA) and Larissa Zakharova (EHESS/CERCEC/CNRS/CEFR de Moscou). Introduction

Session 1. From Theoretical to Applied Science
Chair: Marc Elie (CNRS/CERCEC)
– 10am-10.20am. Paul Josephson (Colby College/CERCEC), “Soviet Research Institutes and Big Industry: Branch Industrial Science in Metallurgy, Mining and Transportation, 1930-1980”
– 10.20am-10.40am. Andrey Indukaev (IDHES ENS Paris-Saclay/University of Helsinki), “The Power of the Academy of Sciences in the Late Socialist System: The Role of Applied Projects”
– 10.40am-11.00am. Ksenia Tatarchenko (Université de Genève), “Passing the Torch: Youth, Civic Virtues, and Spaces of Innovation in Novosibirsk Science-City”
– 11.00am-12.00pm. Discussion

Session 2. Making Science and Technology on a Daily Basis
Chair: Sophie Coeuré (Université Paris VII Denis Diderot/ICT)
– 1pm-1.20pm. Nikolai Krementsov (University of Toronto), “Science under Stalin and Khrushchev: the Case of Oncology”
– 1.20pm-1.40pm. Birte Kohtz (DHI Moskau), “From Foetus to Fully Entitled Patient? The Unborn as an Object of Medical Innovation in Late Soviet Medicine”
– 1.40pm-2pm. Grégory Dufaud (Sciences Po Lyon/LARHRA) and Larissa Zakharova (EHESS/CERCEC/CNRS/CEFR de Moscou), “The disappearance of Scientific and Technological Controversies after Stalin’s Death? Cases of Psychiatry and Telecommunications”
– 2pm-2.20pm. Ekaterina Rybkina (European University Institute, Florence/ European University at Saint-Petersburg), “Tuning Up a Socialist Radio: Life and Fate of a Soviet Engineer”
– 2.20pm-3.40pm. Discussion
– 3.40pm-4pm. Coffee break

Session 3. International Connections and Collaborations
Chair: Nikolai Krementsov (University of Toronto)
– 4pm-4.20pm. Sophie Coeuré (Université Paris VII Denis Diderot/ICT), “Mathematicians as an Apolitical International Community? The Litmus Test of Dissidence”
– 4.20pm-4.40pm. Jean-Philippe Martinez (Universidade Federal da Bahia) – “Making Science in an ‘Open World’: Considerations on the International Dynamics of Soviet scientists through the Iconic Example of Vladimir Fock in General Relativity”
– 4.40pm-5pm. Laurence Nye (LabEx ENHE/Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne/Université Paris IV Sorbonne), “Life sciences in Orbit and Cold War diplomacy: The French-Soviet Experiment”
5pm-6pm. Discussion

Saturday 6th October

Session 4. Governing (by) Resources
Chair: Paul Josephson (Colby College/CERCEC)
– 9.30am-9.50am. Marc Elie (CNRS/CERCEC), “Lysenkism in Pedology”
– 9.50am-10.10am. Timm Schönfelder (University of Tübingen), “Governing Water. Soil Amelioration in the Kuban River Region”
– 10.10am-10.30am. Laurent Coumel (CERCEC), “High modernism in the lake: fish farming in the Seliger area in the 1960s”
– 10.30am-10.50am. Coffee break
– 10.50am-11.10am. Galina Orlova (Southern Federal University / European Humanities University), “Socialism of Isotopes”
– 11.10am-11.30am. Egle Rindzeviciute (Kingston University), “The Cultural Governance of the Atom”
– 11.30am-1.10pm. Discussion

Financial support: CEFR de Moscou, CERCEC (CNRS/EHESS), DHI Moskau, LabEx TEPSIS, LARHRA, Sciences Po Lyon. Holders and organizers of the conference: Grégory Dufaud (Sciences Po Lyon) and Larissa Zakharova (EHESS / CERCEC / CNRS / CEFR Moscow)

Author: Aisseco

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