Narratives of Conflict, Conflicting Narratives

seminar series “Autour de la Baltique” at CERI-Sciences Po in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in France cordially invites you to the seminar

“Narratives of Conflict, Conflicting Narratives: World War II in the Russian and Lithuanian Film”

with Natalija Arlauskaitė (Vilnius University) and Valérie Pozner (CNRS THALIM).

Time: 17:15-19:00, Tuesday, 12 May 2015.

Place: Salle du Conseil, Sciences Po (Bâtiment j, 5iéme étage),13 Rue de l’Université, 75007 Paris.

This seminar discusses different narrative strategies in the portrayal of World War II in the Russian and Lithuanian film of the 1990s-2010.

Natalija Arlauskaitė is an Associate Professor at the Institute of International Relations & Political Sciences, Vilnius University, Lithuania. Her research involves literary studies, film theory and gender studies. She has recently published “Native and Foreign Canons: Film Adaptations between Narrative Theory and Cultural Studies” (Vilnius University, 2014).

The discussant, Valérie Pozner, is a chargée de recherché CNRS (THALIM), specialising in the studies of the Soviet cinema of the 1920s-1930s and the World War II period. She edited “Kinojudaica: Les représentations des Juifs dans le cinéma de Russie et d’Union soviétique” (Nouveau Monde, 2012).

The working language is English.

The number of available places is limited. Please register at:​

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