The Foreign Policies of Post-Yugoslav States
Edited by Soeren Keil, Bernhard Stahl The Foreign Policies of Post-Yugoslav States. From Yugoslavia to Europe The post-Yugoslav states have developed very differently since Yugoslavia dissolved in the early 1990s. This collection analyzes the foreign policies of the post-Yugoslav states focusing on the main goals, actors, decision-making processes and influences on the foreign policies of these countries. It demonstrates how internal...
Balkans into Southeastern Europe, 1914-2014
John Lampe Balkans into Southeastern Europe, 1914-2014 A Century of War and Transition 2nd edition The states and peoples of Southeastern Europe have been divided by wars over the twentieth century, but they have since worked to re-establish themselves into the European mainstream. This timely new edition has been revised, updated and expanded in the light of the latest scholarship and recent events. John R. Lampe now offers a...
Les musulmans de l’Europe du Sud-Est
CLAYER Nathalie et BOUGAREL Xavier Les musulmans de l’Europe du Sud-Est. Des Empires aux Etats balkaniques L’Europe du Sud-Est, qui s’étend de la Croatie à la Grèce et de l’Albanie à la Bulgarie, compte environ huit millions d’habitants de culture musulmane. Albanais, Bosniaques, Turcs, Roms, ils sont les descendants de populations converties à l’islam ou installées là pendant la période ottomane. Dans cet ouvrage sont présentées les...
Dopo la pioggia
AISSECO è lieta di riportare la recensione a cura di Carlo Vulpio apparsa sul Corriere della sera del 6 marzo 2014 del volume Dopo la pioggia. Gli Stati della ex Jugoslavia e l’Albania (1991-2011) a cura di Antonio D’Alessandri e Armando Pitassio. “Balcani, una famiglia allargata. Una penisola complessa e burrascosa. Ma da riscoprire “IL cielo sopra i Balcani è sempre denso di nuvole e non risparmia quasi mai la pioggia....
CfP: Myths in south-eastern European textbooks
Myths in south-eastern European textbooks Tirana, Albania October 22-24, 2014 Deadline for submitting abstracts: March 30, 2014 Description This conference is organised by the Georg Eckert Institute in cooperation with the department of history at the faculty of history and philology of University of Tirana, aims to highlight myths and their potential for creating conflict and to provide a forum for discussions regarding their role in...
CfP: Strategies of Symbolic Nation-Building in South Eastern Europe
Strategies of Symbolic Nation-Building in South Eastern Europe” Rjieka, Croatia May 9-10, 2014 Deadline for submitting abstracts: February 1, 2014 Description The conference “Strategies of Symbolic Nation – Building in South Eastern Europe” represents the final event within the scope of a 3-year project funded by the Norwegian Research Council. While the conference is on one hand intended to serve as the public...