The Future of the Past

The Future of the Past

Serhii Plokhy Ukraine is in the midst of the worst international crisis in East-West relations since the Cold War, and history itself has become a battleground in Russia-Ukraine relations. Can history and historical narratives be blamed for what has happened in the region, or can they show the path to peace and reconciliation, helping to integrate the history of the region in the broader European context? The essays collected here...

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Moscow 1956 The Silenced Spring

Moscow 1956 The Silenced Spring

Kathleen E. Smith Joseph Stalin had been dead for three years when his successor, Nikita Khrushchev, stunned a closed gathering of Communist officials with a litany of his predecessor’s abuses. Meant to clear the way for reform from above, Khrushchev’s “Secret Speech” of February 25, 1956, shattered the myth of Stalin’s infallibility. In a bid to rejuvenate the Party, Khrushchev had his report read out loud to members across the...

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CfP: Clio nei socialismi reali. Il mestiere di storico, la storiografia e il suo uso pubblico nei regimi comunisti dell’Europa orientale

CfP: Clio nei socialismi reali. Il mestiere di storico, la storiografia e il suo uso pubblico nei regimi comunisti dell’Europa orientale

La collana Tracce. Percorsi internazionali di storia contemporanea nasce dall’esigenza di esplorare nuove correnti storiografiche e nuovi approcci metodologici con una prospettiva internazionale e transnazionale. In un mondo dai contorni fluidi anche lo studio della storia deve adottare una visione complessa, che tenga conto degli apporti provenienti dalle scienze sociali e dalle arti visive e letterarie. L’ambizione è quella di...

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Circulations internationales et (sorties de) Guerre froide

Circulations internationales et (sorties de) Guerre froide

Mercredi de 10 h à 13 h (salle A06_51, 54 bd Raspail 75006 Paris), les 8 novembre, 13 décembre 2017, 10 janvier, 14 février, 14 mars, 11 avril et 13 juin 2018. Une séance supplémentaire aura lieu le 18 mai de 14 h à 17 h en salle BS1_05, 54 boulevard Raspail, 75006 Paris Programme: La prise en compte des processus circulatoires à la fois comme objet d’étude et comme prisme analytique...

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Memoria e ricerca: Rappresentazioni della rivoluzione russa

Memoria e ricerca: Rappresentazioni della rivoluzione russa

Segnaliamo l’uscita del numero ​3/2017 della rivista Memoria e ricerca, curato da Maria Ferretti e Marco Fincardi, dedicato alle “Rappresentazioni della rivoluzione russa”. info: 2614.

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Classics for the Masses

Classics for the Masses

Pauline Fairclough Classics for the Masses Shaping Soviet Musical Identity under Lenin and Stalin Musicologist Pauline Fairclough explores the evolving role of music in shaping the cultural identity of the Soviet Union in a revelatory work that counters certain hitherto accepted views of an unbending, unchanging state policy of repression, censorship, and dissonance that existed in all areas of Soviet artistic endeavor. Newly opened...

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