Ucraina: la questione della lingua e le sue fasi di evoluzione politica e legislativa
Segnaliamo che il recente saggio di Cristina Carpinelli “Ucraina: la questione della lingua e le sue fasi di evoluzione politica e legislativa” è apparso sulla rivista NAD (Nuovi Autoritarismi e democrazie:Diritto, Istituzioni, Società) dell’Università degli Studi di Milanoed è disponibile al seguente link:...
Arhivele Totalitarusmului
Un breve estratto dall’ultimo volume della rivista “Arhivele Totalitarusmului” (nr. 1-2/2019, p. 10-21). Gheorghe Cojocaru, Guvernul din tren al „R.S.S. Basarabene”: o încercare eşuată de exportare a revoluţiei bolşevice, mai 1919 Institutul Naţional pentru Studiul Totalitarismului·Lunedì 16 dicembre 2019·4 minuti În iarna-primăvara anului 1919, în urma retragerii unităţilor austro-germane, Armata Roşie reuşea să...
Checkpoint Charlie
Iain MacGregor. Checkpoint Charlie: The Cold War, The Berlin Wall, and the Most Dangerous Place On Earth (Scribner, 2019) Overview A powerful, fascinating, and groundbreaking history of Checkpoint Charlie, the famous military gate on the border of East and West Berlin where the United States confronted the USSR during the Cold War. East Germany committed a billion dollars to the creation of the Berlin Wall in the early 1960s, an...
Vojislav G. Pavlović (a cura di), SERBIA AND ITALY IN THE GREAT WAR (Institut des Etudes Balkaniques, Belgrado 2019) The Great War profoundly changed the political structures and territories of the countries on both sides of the Adriatic Sea. The war ended with the dissolution of Austria-Hungary, and the task to reorganize the resultant territorial void on the eastern side of the Adriatic fell to the Italian government and the...
Ideology and Social Protests in Eastern Europe
Veronika Stoyanova. Ideology and Social Protests in Eastern Europe. Beyond the Transition’s Liberal Consensus (Routledge, 2018) This book argues that the recent political mobilizations in Eastern Europe have been underpinned by a class struggle between a more conservative and a more radical line of contention. The latter line, the book contends, is designed by and for subaltern groups whose anti-systemic programme calls for not...