A Companion to the Reformation in Central Europe
Edited by Howard Louthan and Graeme Murdock A Companion to the Reformation in Central Europe A Companion to the Reformation in Central Europe analyses the diverse Christian cultures of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Czech lands, Austria, and lands of the Hungarian kingdom between the 15th and 18th centuries. It establishes the geography of Reformation movements across this region, and then considers different movements of...
For the Common Good
Jeanne E. Grant For the Common Good The Bohemian Land Law and the Beginning of the Hussite Revolution kingdom, crown, and king that compelled them to defend the common good as they understood it.In For the Common Good: The Bohemian Land Law and the Beginning of the Hussite Revolution Jeanne E. Grant presents an interpretation of the mentality of leading nobles within the Czech kingdom to understand their political actions in the...
Livonia, Rus’ and the Baltic Crusades in the Thirteenth Century
Anti Selart Livonia, Rus’ and the Baltic Crusades in the Thirteenth Century This monograph by Anti Selart is the first comprehensive study available in English on the relations between northern crusaders and Rus’. Selart re-examines the central issues of this crucial period of establishing the medieval relations of the Catholic and Orthodox worlds like the Battle on the Ice (1242) and the role of Alexander Nevsky using the...
L’héritage politique de la zadruga dans l’espace sud-slave et les Balkans
L’héritage politique de la zadruga dans l’espace sud-slave et les Balkans Paris, 22-23 octobre 2015 Programme Bien connu et soigneusement étudié dans son aspect folklorique, le phénomène de la zadruga – unité domestique fondée sur la propriété commune des biens, le partage des tâches et les liens du sang chez les Slaves du Sud – reste relativement peu décrit et guère commenté dans sa dimension politique, qui concerne en...
CfP: Legal mobility and artistic, intellectual and cultural practices in Europe and in the Middle Ages
Circulations juridiques et pratiques artistiques, intellectuelles et culturelles en Europe au Moyen Âge (XIIIe-XVe siècle) Legal mobility and artistic, intellectual and cultural practices in Europe and in the Middle Ages (13th-15th century) Deadline: avant le 30 octobre 2015. L’objectif principal de ce nouveau colloque, en continuité thématique avec les deux éditions précédentes, est d’analyser les phénomènes de circulation et de...
Romania. Storia e cultura
Keith Hitchins Romania Storia e cultura Una breve storia politica e culturale della Romania, dalla conquista romana della Dacia fino ai giorni nostri. Un paese diviso tra influenze orientali e occidentali. Un lungo percorso verso l’indipendenza, spesso interrotto dall’influenza straniera – quella romana, poi la ottomana e infine quella sovietica – prima di arrivare al “comunismo nazionalista” di...