Tourism and Travel during the Cold War:
The Institute of Contemporary History at Södertörn University invites you to the presentation of the anthology Tourism and Travel during the Cold War: Negotiating Tourist Experiences across the Iron Curtain (Routledge Series on Russian and East European Studies – Routledge, 2019) , with editors prof. Christian Noack (Amsterdam University) and dr. Sune Bechmann Pedersen (Lund University). The presentation is held in English....
Seminario di ricerca SISSCO: LA CULTURA NELLE RELAZIONI INTERNAZIONALI EST OVEST, 1945 -1990 . CINEMA, MUSICA, TV SISSCO Società italiana per lo studio della storia contemporanea Coordinatori: Emanuela Costantini (Università di Perugia) Olga Dubrovina (ricercatrice indipendente) Stefano Pisu (Università di Cagliari) Comitato promotore: Emanuela Costantini (Università di Perugia) Olga Dubrovina (ricercatrice indipendente) Stefano Pisu...
Cold War Exiles and the CIA
Benjamin Tromly Cold War Exiles and the CIA: Plotting to Free Russia, Oxford University Press, 2019 During the early Cold War, the United States government backed exiles from the Soviet bloc as part of an effort to subvert communist power from abroad. In his new book, Cold War Exiles and the CIA, Professor Benjamin Tromly tells the story of the involvement of Russian exiles in US political warfare and espionage programs in the 1950s....
The Diplomacy of Détente
Stephan Kieninger The Diplomacy of Détente: Cooperative Security Policies from Helmut Schmidt to George Shultz (Routledge, 2018) This book investigates the underlying reasons for the longevity of détente and its impact on East–West relations. The volume examines the relevance of trade across the Iron Curtain as a means to facilitate mutual trust, as well as the emergence of new habits of transparency regardless of recurring military...
L’eterna Guerra fredda
Martedì 26 marzo 2019, alle ore 9,00, presso l’Aula “Starace” del Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche dell’Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro” sarà presentato il volume di Fabio Bettanin Putin e il mondo che verrà (Viella 2018). Saluti: prof. Giuseppe Moro, Direttore del Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche Introduce e coordina: prof. Luciano Monzali Intervengono: Andrea Fratini, Federico Imperato, Rosario Milano, Emanuele Quarta,...