Gulag Memories

Gulag Memories

Zuzanna Bogumil Gulag Memories. The Rediscovery and Commemoration of Russia’s Repressive Past. Tradotto dal polacco in inglese da Philip Palmer (Bergham Books, 2018). Description Though the institution of the Gulag was nominally closed over half a decade ago, it lives on as an often hotly contested site of memory in the post-socialist era. This ethnographic study takes a holistic, comprehensive approach to understanding memories...

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NORILSK : L’ARCHITECTURE AU GOULAG. Histoire caucasienne de la ville polaire soviétiqu​e

NORILSK : L’ARCHITECTURE AU GOULAG. Histoire caucasienne de la ville polaire soviétiqu​e

Taline Ter Minassian​ NORILSK : L’ARCHITECTURE AU GOULAG. Histoire caucasienne de la ville polaire soviétiqu​e​ ​(​Collection PATRIMOINE​, 2018 – ​176 pages – 10x15cm – ISBN 978-2-36509-087-2 )​ Qui furent les centaines de milliers de zeks qui construisirent Norilsk, ville la plus froide et septentrionale du monde, mais aussi site minier le plus pollué de Russie – dont la compagnie Norilsk Nickel créée en 1935...

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European Memories of  the Gulag

European Memories of the Gulag

From 1939 to 1953, nearly one million people were deported to the Gulag from the European territories annexed by the USSR at the start of the Second World War and those that came under Soviet influence after the War: some to work camps but most as forced settlers in villages in Siberia and Central Asia. An international team of researchers has collected 160 statements from former deportees, photographs of their lives, documents from...

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Mostra virtuale “Beauty in Hell. Culture in the Gulag

Mostra virtuale “Beauty in Hell. Culture in the Gulag

Vai al pagina per maggiori informazioni  clicca qui >> La mostra é frutto della collaborazione con diversi istituti di ricerca, istitutizioni e singoli cittadini, tra cui Memorial, il Museo di Storia del Gulag di Mosca e il Museo Statale delle Solovki. La mostra presenta primariamente materiali d’archivio, tra cui spiccano alcuni oggetti mai mostrati prima, come ad esempio i dipinti di Ivan Dembskij o la guida e il diario...

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Histoire du Goulag

Histoire du Goulag

Juliette CADIOT, Marc ELIE Histoire du Goulag Pendant la dictature stalinienne, la police politique enferma au Goulag et soumit au travail forcé plus de 28 millions de personnes. Les répressions contre les opposants politiques et les campagnes pour purger et discipliner la population soviétique alimentèrent camps et villages d’exil pendant trente ans (1930-1960). Composant une main-d’œuvre corvéable à merci, détenus et exilés furent...

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