Post-soviet diaspora(s) in Western Europe (1991-2017)
deadline 15 Ottobre 2017 Argument Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, millions of former soviet citizens crossed the national borders in search of better lives in new countries, in what was the biggest migration tide since the end of World War II. These Post-Soviet migrants were diverse in origins, strategies and expectations. They often represented a challenge to the orthodox views of migration processes, since in most cases...
University American College Skopje is proud to initiate the 12th annual international academic conference on European integration RETHINKING MIGRATION, ECONOMIC GROWTH AND SOLIDARITY IN EUROPE Skopje, Thursday 25 May 2017 This inter- and multi-disciplinary one-day conference seeks to re-examine the current situation in Europe, and to discuss scenarios of its future. In particular, it aims to juxtapose and rethink the concepts...
CfP: Migration and Refugees in the Balkans and East Central Europe
Migration and Refugees in the Balkans and East Central Europe between the Fifteenth and Twentieth Centuries Hungarian Historical Review – issue 2017/3 Deadline : September 30, 2016. Special Editors: Ulf Brunnbauer & Gábor Demeter Migration and refugee flight have always been key phenomena in the Balkans and East Central Europe, shaping both the ethnic-religious character of the region and its social and economic structures....
Culture, Ethnicity and Migration After Communism.
Anton Popov Culture, Ethnicity and Migration After Communism. The Pontic Greeks This book addresses the issue of emerging transnationalism in the conditions of post-socialism through focusing on migrants’ identity as a social construction resulting from their experience of the ‘transnational circuit of culture’ as well as from post-Soviet shifts in political and economic conditions in their home regions. Anton Popov draws upon...
CfP: Politics of Difference: Migration, Nation, Postsocialist Left and Right?
The 2016 Annual SOYUZ Symposium “Politics of Difference: Migration, Nation, Postsocialist Left and Right?” March 11-12, 2016 Center for East European and Russian/Eurasian Studies University of Chicago Deadline Dec. 1, 2015 The SOYUZ theme this year gains immediacy and poignancy from the migration and refugee crisis in Europe in Autumn 2015. While some leaders repudiate migrants from points east by calling for a “Christian”...