Frontière politique et identifications : Des populations entre Ottomans et Habsbourg au XVIIIe siècle
Frontière politique et identifications : Des populations entre Ottomans et Habsbourg au XVIIIe siècle Political Border and Identifications: Populations between Habsburg Monarchy and Ottoman Empire CONFERENCE ORGANISEE A L’UNIVERSITE PARIS 1 (PANTHEON-SORBONNE) LUNDI 22 OCTOBRE 2012 : 16H-19H30 salle Perroy (17, rue de la Sorbonne, Galerie Dumas, escalier R) L’objectif de cette conférence est de réunir des chercheurs venus de...
The Balkan Wars in the Eyes of the Warring Parties
Igor Despot The Balkan Wars in the Eyes of the Warring Parties: Perceptions and Interpretations In the fall of 1912, the Ottoman Empire was in turmoil. In addition to the Albanian and the Yemen rebellions, the Empire was at war with Italy over the Libyan territory. Worse yet, cholera was spreading throughout the country, leaving a decimated population in its wake. In its weakness, the Ottoman Empire was ripe to be attacked, and the...