CfP. Trauma as cultural palimpsest

CfP. Trauma as cultural palimpsest

Research Center for Postcolonial and Posttotalitarian Studies, Faculty of Philology, Wrocław University Trauma as cultural palimpsests 2-3 June 2016 Call for papers Deadline 31 January 2016 The trauma inflicted on societies under communist regimes and post- traumatic symptoms manifesting themselves across the whole spectrum of public discourses remains one of the most painfully under-researched problems in the study of Central and...

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Post-Communism and Identities: East-European Perspectives

Post-Communism and Identities: East-European Perspectives

Associazione Alumni della Scuola Galileiana di Studi Superiori in collaboration with Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies – DiSLL (University of Padua) and Galileian School of Higher Education (University of Padua) Post-Communism and Identities: East-European Perspectives 4TH  – 5TH JUNE, 2015,  Padua THURSDAY 4TH JUNE, 2015 Scuola Galileiana, Collegio Morgagni, Aula Magna 9.00 Official opening Introductory...

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Tavola rotonda

Tavola rotonda

Guarini Institute presents: EUROPA CENTRO-ORIENTALE: DEMOCRAZIA, SVILUPPO ECONOMICO E SICUREZZA tavola rotonda in occasione della pubblicazione del libro Central and Eastern Europe. From Communism to Democracy a cura di Sharon L. Wolchik e Jane L. Curry, Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham (MD),   Mercoledì 25 marzo 2015 – ore 18,00 Istituto Polacco Via Vittoria Colonna 1 tel. 06-36000723 Partecipano Jolanta...

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CfP: Orientalism, Colonial Thinking and the Former Soviet Periphery

CfP: Orientalism, Colonial Thinking and the Former Soviet Periphery

Call for abstracts / call for panels Orientalism, Colonial Thinking and the Former Soviet Periphery Exploring Bias and Stereotype Representations of Eastern and Central Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia Vilnius University August 27-29, 2015 Deadlines Individual abstract proposals should be submitted by March 25th. Panel proposals (inclusive of abstracts) should be submitted by April 10th. Academic fields The conference is...

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