Representations and Narrations of anti-Slavism in Europe in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Representations and Narrations of anti-Slavism in Europe in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries Trieste 11-12 May 2017 University of Trieste – DiSU Sala Atti “Arduino Agnelli”- Androna Campo Marzio 10 11th May – h. 15.00-19.00 Greetings Tullia Catalan – University of Trieste Introduction Chair: Dominique Reill – University of Miami Emanuela Costantini – University of Perugia Distrustful allies: the...
CfP: Ambivalent Legacies
Ambivalent Legacies: Memory and Amnesia in Post-Habsburg and Post-Ottoman Cities Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity 26-28 April 2017 Deadline : 1 December 2016 The empires that once defined the political geography of Europe are no more. One cannot meet a Prussian, Romanov, Habsburg, or Ottoman today; these dusty categories of affiliation have ceded to myriad national identities. Yet it would be...
Da Versailles a Monaco
A cura di Davide Artico e Brunello Mantelli Da Versailles a Monaco. Vent’anni di guerre dimenticate Nel periodo cosiddetto “interbellico” fra 1919 e 1938 l’Europa fu squassata da conflitti armati invero circoscritti a singole due regioni, ma non per questo aventi, sulle popolazioni interessate, effetti meno disastrosi rispetto alle due guerre mondiali. Questo periodo di guerre a bassa intensità si caratterizza per...