Veuillez trouver ci-dessous l’annonce de la prochaine séance du séminaire “Cultures visuelles, histoire croisée du regard soviétique” qui aura lieu à l’INHA, salle Walter Benjamin, le 11 décembre 2018 de 10h à 13h.
Nous aurons le plaisir d’accueillir Stanislas Savitski de la Haute école d’économie de Saint-Pétersbourg/Centre d’art contemporain de la faculté des sciences et arts libres de l’université de Saint-Pétersbourg.
Stanislas Savitski
«Was the Art of Izoram Proletarian?”
Izoram (the association of young proletarian artists within the countrywide Workers’ Art Studios system) has not yet been studied, although its projects are an essential part of the history of avant-garde and Soviet culture. Izoram was one of the leading art communities in Soviet experimental art in the late 1920s and early 1930s. The group developed design projects for Palace Square in Leningrad for the 1st anniversary of the October Revolution and for the celebration of Labour Day (May 1). As a representative of the Soviet Union it put on exhibitions for international art festivals in Europe. The leader of Izoram, Moisej Brodsky, and many art critics of the early Soviet period considered the group to be a late local version of French Purism (Ozenfant and Le Corbusier). At the same time, Izoram, which only put on collective projects, consisted for the most part of young workers who did not have any professional background or education as painters or sculptors. “Were their collective works authentic proletarian art, or was this group rather a movement of dilettante avant-gardists?” This question seems to be essential for both the history of Soviet culture and the history of the Russian avant-garde.