Presentazione libro

Presentazione libro

Venerdì 4 marzo presso il Dipartimento di scienze politiche dell’Università di Roma 3 verrà presentato il libro L’ odissea del debito. Le crisi finanziarie in Grecia dal 1821 a oggi di Albanese Ginammi Alessandro e Conte Giampaolo (editore: in edibus) Sala del Consiglio (IV piano) Via Chiabrera 199, Roma  

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CfA: New Approaches to the History of the Second World War

CfA: New Approaches to the History of the Second World War

Call for Applications New Approaches to the History of the Second World War and Its Aftermath in Yugoslavia, Greece, and Albania (1939-1949) Venues: Humboldt University Berlin (October 2015), École française d’Athènes (March 2016) Please send us your proposal (max. 2 pages) and a short CV by Monday, 1 December 2014, at the latest. Conveners: Dr. Xavier Bougarel (Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin), Prof. Hannes Grandits (Humboldt University,...

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La Grecia moderna

La Grecia moderna

Th.M. Veremis – I.S. Koliopulos La Grecia moderna. Una storia che inizia nel 1821 Era attesa da tempo una storia della Grecia che fosse esente da vistose tare nazionalistiche e realizzata con la misura e il garbo di Veremis e Koliopulos. Scritto a quattro mani da due noti specialisti, questo saggio presenta la storia della Grecia moderna dalla rivoluzione del 1821 fino ai nostri giorni, segnalandosi per l’equilibrio tra i...

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Lecture: Fascism’s Mediterranean Empire

Lecture: Fascism’s Mediterranean Empire

The Graduate Studies Seminar at cordially invites you to a lecture by Valerie McGuire Max Weber Fellow, European University Institute, 2013-14 Fascism’s Mediterranean Empire: Italian Colonial Modernity in the Dodecanese Islands (1923-43) TUESDAY, MARCH 4, AT 6:00 P.M. VILLA LA PIETRA Via Bolognese, 120, 50139 Firenze Relatively small and sparsely inhabited, the Dodecanese Islands are typically historicized as having only strategic...

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CfP: Myths in south-eastern European textbooks

CfP: Myths in south-eastern European textbooks

Myths in south-eastern European textbooks Tirana, Albania October 22-24, 2014 Deadline for submitting abstracts: March 30, 2014 Description This conference is organised by the Georg Eckert Institute in cooperation with the department of history at the faculty of history and philology of University of Tirana, aims to highlight myths and their potential for creating conflict and to provide a forum for discussions regarding their role in...

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Visual Archive Southeastern Europe

Visual Archive Southeastern Europe

Visual Archive Southeastern Europe (VASE) The main objective of the Visual Archive Southeastern Europe is to assemble historical and contemporary visual materials on Southeastern Europe. VASE seeks to draw attention to the visual as primary source, to enhance visual studies as a technique and method and thereby enrich the primarily text-based historical-anthropological research. By providing different types of images – e. g....

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