Niprò 03/2024
200 anni fa presso l’Università di Charkiv, fondata nel 1805, fu pubblicato il primo numero di “Ukrajins’kyj žurnal” (Rivista ucraina, 1824-1825) che informava il pubblico dei lettori su temi storici, letterari, linguistici, etnografici. La rivista, pubblicata su iniziativa dei professori universitari dell’ateneo, fu il prosieguo del primo periodico ucraino, intitolato “Ukrajins’kyj visnyk” (Notiziario ucraino, 1816-1819). Queste...
Per Högselius – Achim Klüppelberg, The Soviet Nuclear Archipelago A Historical Geography of Atomic-Powered Communism
How did we get to the precarious state that we find ourselves in today? What new thinking is needed to tackle the big problems we face? Offering the latest perspectives on both new and perennial issues, books in this series address a wide range of topics of critical importance. An international collection of leading authors encourages us to look at topics from different viewpoints; to think outside the box. Launched to commemorate 30...
Humanitarian Protection for Prisoners of War and Refugees in the Long Aftermath of the First World War
Francesca Piana At the end of WWI, millions of prisoners of war and civilians were displaced across Europe, the South Caucasus, and the Eastern Mediterranean. While many made their way home, genocide, revolution, and post-war instability delayed the repatriation of prisoners of war from Russia and the Central Powers, while Russian and Armenian refugees were forced into exile. In response to the inconsistent efforts of governments, a...
Fulvio Bertuccelli (ed.), Toward a Cultural History of the Cold War in Turkey. Ideological dynamics, cultural production, media
Fulvio Bertuccelli Turkey’s position as the only Muslim-majority member of NATO, coupled with its pivotal role in pursuing Western interests in the Middle East and Western Europe, has attracted significant scholarly attention, particularly in the fields of diplomatic and international relations history. In contrast, the cultural and ideological dimensions of the Cold War have begun to be studied systematically only in recent years. In...
Ucraina e Russia: incroci di storia Volodymyr Rychka L’eredità storico-culturale della Russia medievale e la formazione dell’identità ucraina e moscovita
Volodymyr Rychka Ucraina e Russia: incroci di storia – L’eredità storico-culturale della Russia medievale e la formazione dell’identità Ucraina e moscovita SCARICA IL FILE PDF QUI...
Michele Rabà – Gaetano Sabatini (Eds)
Michele Rabà – Gaetano Sabatini (Eds), Face Up. Faces from the past. The fight for freedom and democracy in Albania during the regime of Enver Hoxha SCARICA IL FILE PDF...