Le trasformazioni della Russia putiniana

Le trasformazioni della Russia putiniana

Riccardo Mario Cucciolla e Niccolò Pianciola Il volume esplora l’evoluzione della società e del potere in Russia dopo l’aggressione all’Ucraina e offre un’analisi della complessa interazione tra apparati dello stato, opposizione e società civile. I saggi analizzano la deriva totalitaria del regime putiniano studiandone le istituzioni e la relazione tra stato e società, evidenziando come tendenze demografiche, rifugiati ucraini,...

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The Soviet Century: Archaeology of a Lost World

The Soviet Century: Archaeology of a Lost World

Karl Schlögel The Soviet Union is gone, but its ghostly traces remain, not least in the material vestiges left behind in its turbulent wake. What was it really like to live in the USSR? What did it look, feel, smell, and sound like? In The Soviet Century, Karl Schlögel, one of the world’s leading historians of the Soviet Union, presents a spellbinding epic that brings to life the everyday world of a unique lost civilization. A museum...

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In the Eye of the Storm

In the Eye of the Storm

Christian Kaunert, Alex MacKenzie, and Adrien Nonjon This volume focuses on a highly controversial unit within the Ukrainian military, the Azov (former regiment) Brigade. Azov is known for its far-right origins but has garnered worldwide attention through its role in the defense of Mariupol in 2022. There is still confusion and obfuscation about the Azov Brigade’s development since 2014 and its status today. Many conflate the unit and...

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Déportés pour l’éternité Survivre à l’exil stalinien

Déportés pour l’éternité Survivre à l’exil stalinien

Alain Blum & Emilia Koustova Alain Blum et Emilia Koustova saisissent ici une part essentielle mais mal connue de l’histoire soviétique, en s’intéressant à sa dimension impériale et impérialiste, telle qu’elle se manifesta lors de l’annexion de la Lituanie et de l’Ukraine occidentale. En racontant le cheminement des centaines de milliers de déplacés, leur survie en déportation et leurs interactions avec le monde soviétique, ils...

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The Unpredictable Past? Reshaping Russian, Ukrainian, and East European Studies

The Unpredictable Past? Reshaping Russian, Ukrainian, and East European Studies

Volodymyr Kravchenko, Marko Robert Stech The launch of an unprovoked full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation in February 2022 was a jolting turn of events for the majority of Western scholars studying Eastern Europe. Moreover, the dramatic unfolding of the subsequent all-out Russo-Ukrainian war helped unmask an array of fundamental deficiencies—and even outright flaws—in the dominant Western perceptions of Russia and...

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Storia e leggenda della Rus’ di Kiev

Storia e leggenda della Rus’ di Kiev

Ettore Cinnella L’originale ricostruzione di una grande civiltà politica e letteraria fiorita nell’Europa dell’Alto Medioevo, i cui protagonisti furono gli slavi orientali, i vichinghi e Bisanzio, e che fu distrutta nel XIII secolo dall’invasione mongola. Attraverso cronache dell’epoca e fonti documentarie in anticorusso, Ettore Cinnella racconta la storia politica e culturale della Rus’ di Kiev che, sorta in seguito all’unificazione...

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