L’Ungheria dagli Asburgo a Viktor Orbán

L’Ungheria dagli Asburgo a Viktor Orbán

Stefano Bottoni L’Ungheria ha rappresentato, e continua a rappresentare, un laboratorio per molte grandi questioni globali sorte a partire dall’Ottocento. Un filo rosso nella sua storia è costituito dall’impatto (segnato da conflitti aperti e rivoluzioni, ma anche da compromessi) con i grandi progetti imperiali che hanno segnato l’ultimo secolo: quello asburgico fino alla Prima guerra mondiale, quello sovietico...

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On the Digital Front-Line

On the Digital Front-Line

Andrej Kotljarchuk & Francesco Zavatti (eds.) On the Digital Front-line: Far-right Memory Work in Baltic, Central, and East European Online Spaces (Volume 62 of Opuscula historica Upsaliensia) (Historiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet, 2023). 197 pp. ISBN 9198450972. This anthology explores the memory work performed by Baltic and Central and East European far-right actors in the online space. Situated at the crossroads...

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Picturing the Ottoman Armenian World

Picturing the Ottoman Armenian World

David Low The Armenian contribution to Ottoman photography is supposedly well known, with histories documenting the famous Ottoman Armenian-run studios of the imperial capital that produced Orientalist visions for tourists and images of modernity for a domestic elite. Neglected, however, have been the practitioners of the eastern provinces where the majority of Ottoman Armenians were to be found, with the result that their role in the...

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Religion and Politics in Interwar Yugoslavia

Religion and Politics in Interwar Yugoslavia

Maria Falina Religion and Politics in Interwar Yugoslavia explores the interaction between religion, nationalism, and political modernity in the first half of the 20th century, taking the case of the Serbian Orthodox Church as an example. This book historicizes the widely held assumption that the bond between religion and nationalism in the Balkans is a natural one or that this bond has been historically inevitable. It tells a complex...

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Russia’s Turkish Wars: The Tsarist Army and the Balkan Peoples in the Nineteenth Century

Russia’s Turkish Wars: The Tsarist Army and the Balkan Peoples in the Nineteenth Century

Victor Taki Russia’s Turkish Wars examines the changing place of the Balkan population in Russian military thought, strategic planning, and occupation policies. It reveals choices made by the tsarist strategists and commanders during the Russian-Ottoman wars, reflecting a general reconceptualization of the role of “the people” in modern warfare that took place during the nineteenth century. The book explores the tsarist military’s...

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Presentazione libro: La costruzione dell’Ucraina contemporanea
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