CfP: Economic Shifts in Tourism, Trade and Politics

IEECAVienna, Austria – JEECAR International Business Conference Eastern Europe and Central Asia:

Economic Shifts in Tourism, Trade and Politics

October 23-24, 2014

Deadline: August 01, 2014.


Vienna CityThe JEECAR is pleased to announce its 2014 international Business conference in Vienna Austria. We invite submissions of papers, proposals, or abstracts in the field of Management, Marketing, Accounting, Finance, Economics, Management and Politics are welcome.

The proposed conference will provide an exclusive forum to discuss and explore contemporary thinking of leading academic and business practices related to the economic influence of tourism and hospitality on the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia region. The conference also acts as an interface between academia and the policy community by providing a space for discussion that brings the policy, academic, diplomatic, and business sectors together, with peer-reviewed academic studies relating to regional history, politics, security, economics, society and culture. As an added bonus, the conference is including a guided tour and information session sponsored on-site by the Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth (Austrian National Tourist Office) in Vienna, Austria.

All manuscripts and proposals must be submitted online to by August 01, 2014. Questions regarding this call for papers should be addressed to Dr. Sharon Kendrick, Conference Chair at, or Dr. Nikolay Megits, JEECAR Editor-in-Chief

Conference Sessions:
Marketing tourism to emerging markets in Easter Europe and Central Asia
Business entry modes in emerging markets
Business challenges in emerging markets and strategic implications

All participants have to be registered in advance by completed the posted online form. At the Registration Desk, participants will receive Name Badge(s) and Conference Package. Any unpaid fees may be paid by cash or Credit Cards at the Conference. Registration fee plus conference proceedings: US$150.

Projector (with Smart-board) will be provided for your presentation. Feel free to bring extra hard copies of your article for distribution at your session. Each paper will be given about 20 minutes for presentation. Session Chairs will conduct their sessions.
Additional Information:
How to submit article
Conference Schedule
Registration information

Author: admin

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