CFP: Napoleon’s 1812 Russian Campaign in the World History: a Retrospective View

The Institute of World History (Russian Academy of Science) Presents:
An International Conference
Napoleon’s 1812 Russian Campaign in the World History: a Retrospective View
Held Jointly and In Close Cooperation and Collaboration With The International Napoleonic Society’s Tenth International Napoleonic Congress
9-13 July 2012, Moscow, Russian Federation

Deadline: March 19, 2012

The 1812 military conflict between the French Empire under Napoleon and the Russian Empire under Alexander I, which is branded either as the “Patriotic War” within Russian historical circles or as the “Russian Campaign” by the Western scholars had major consequences.  These consequences touched not only both Russia and France – as major protagonists of such a tragedy – but, involuntarily, many countries of the Old and New continents.  Some of these countries, such as Austrian Empire, Prussia, Confederation of the Rhine, Italian Kingdom, Netherlands, Switzerland, Duchy of Warsaw and to some extent, Spain, all took direct participation in the 1812 invasion by supplying the Grande Armée with its own national contingents.  On the other hand, countries such as Great Britain and Sweden assisted Russia either financially or diplomatically.

The destruction of the Napoleon’s Grande Armée in Russia dramatically shifted a geopolitical balance, and as a result built the foundation of a new anti-Napoleonic coalition which largely did away with the French dominance in Europe.  On the other hand, almost every Latin American country had the start of an independence movement at 1812-14 periods.

Despite all these cornerstone events, the era of 1812 still receives only a scant attention among historians who primarily examine this period thru the limited prism of mere national historical preference.  The celebration of the bicentennial of the Napoleon’s 1812 Russian Campaign – which is embraced today by academia and buffs alike – could serve as a good opportunity to change this limited tendency and bring discussion on the new level in connection to the world’s historical retrospect.

Building on this insight, the Institute of the World History at the Russian Academy of Science in close collaboration with the International Napoleonic Society extends an invitation to all interested parties for its International Conference, held jointly with the 10th INS International Napoleonic Congress, entitled “Napoleon’s 1812 Russian Campaign in World History: A Retrospective,” which will take place in Moscow, Russia, from 9 to 13 July, 2012.
Topics might include:

1.  Foreign affairs and its general trends during the Napoleonic Wars
2.  Diplomatic relations in Europe, 1807-15
3.  Causes of Napoleon’s 1812 Russian Campaign
4.  Historical significance and the aftermath of the Napoleon’s 1812 Campaign for Russia
5.  Russia and Europe as military opponents in 1812 Campaign
6.  Napoleon’s 1812 Russian Campaign and the Wars of that Period as historical reminiscences and people’s memory
7.  “The image of the enemy” as presented by belligerents
8.  Historiographical questions of the Napoleonic Wars and the 1812 Russian campaign.

Please send your preliminary agreement along with the paper topic (no later than March 19, 2012) to the administrative secretary of the conference, Mr. Nicholay Promyslov at and INS President J. David Markham at &

Author: admin

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