The First World War and the Balkans – Internationale Hochschulwoche 2014
Tutzing, Germany
October 6-10, 2014
Deadline for submitting abstracts: July 20, 2014
From October 6-10, 2014 the Munich-based Southeast Europe Association (SOG) organizes its 53st „autumn school“ (Internationale Hochschulwoche / International University Week HSW) for Master’s students and PhD students from various European countries.
All students specializing in Southeastern Europe within their own discipline (political science, anthropology, history, social sciences, literary studies, etc.) are welcome to apply for participation.
The theme of this year is: Balkan Wars and First World War. The program, however, focuses on aspects of these wars that have come to dominate recent studies in most European countries, but that are underrated in the relevant studies for the Balkans. These aspects include: wartime experiences, war crimes and cultures of violence, propaganda and images preparing citizens for war, the consequences for society and the state as well as the cultural memories. Keynotes include Gerhard Hirschfeld (Stuttgart University); Maria Bucur (Indiana University, Bloomington); and Tamara Scheer (Ludwig-Boltzmann Institute, Vienna).
Guidelines for submission
Applications are invited for paper presentations by young academics. In the program, the plenary sessions in the morning are followed by two or three break-away sessions of some fifteen participants on specific topics. Each of these sessions builds upon one or two paper presentations by young academics. We welcome proposals linked to the aspects mentioned in the program as well as other topics of the general theme.
You are kindly asked to further distribute the call for papers among your colleagues (especially from Southeastern Europe) and Master’s students. Deadline for the applications (a 200 words outline and a short CV) is 20 July 2014 and to be sent to Good knowledge of English and at least basic knowledge of German are indispensable.
Travel and accommodation for young scholars
Successful applicants from Southeast European countries (domicile) will receive reimbursement to a maximum of a train ticket (2. class) to and from Tutzing. Those who won’t be able to use trains or busses are kindly requested to contact the SOG office in Munich.
For all accepted applicants the SOG covers accommodation and meals for the autumn school in Tutzing. As a general rule we assume that the young scholars participate in the HSW during the entire conference week, i.e. from 6-10 October 2014.
Southeast Europe Association (Munich)
Information & contacts
Southeast Europe Association