CfP: The Great War: Analysis and Interpretation

SapienzaThe Great War: Analysis and Interpretation

International Conference

Conference venue: Rome, Italy
Period: June 19-20, 2014
Deadline for submitting abstracts: March 3, 2014

University of Rome “La Sapienza”, one of the most ancient Italian Universities and the biggest one in Europe, launches the call for papers for an international Conference in History and Political Science “The Great War. Analysis and Interpretation”, which will be held in Rome on June 19th – 20th, 2014.
The Conference aims at encouraging a new debate on the theories and reconsidering traditional academic cliché, thus welcoming less studied topics regarding the Great War.

The program contains both six plenary sessions and thematic sessions structured in panels, with chair, discussant and at least three speakers in each. Participants will present and discuss their contributions correlated to research themes of high scientific relevance, about the topic of the conference.
The scientific approach, promoted by the Conference Organizing Committee is characterized by internationality, interdisciplinarity and conviction that only combining different disciplines and efficient research methods will allow us to reconstruct various aspects and facts of the Great History. In this perspective Scholars and researchers in History, Political Science, Economics, Sociology, Strategic Studies, Geopolitics, Geography, Literature and other fields correlated to the topic in of the Conference, are warmly welcome to participate.
Eligible topics
Particular attention will be given to the ideological debate, the use of propaganda, the evolution of the “war-phenomena”, the issues of the military history, political and social consequences of the conflict, its perception and evolution in popular culture, as well as to the heritage of the Great War in contemporary foreign politics.

For the reasons stated above, the Organizing Committee encourages submitting applications, and once analyzed and approved by our scientific committee, will be scheduled in appropriate sessions.
International contest
War and politics: governments, personalities, political parties, intervention, war goals;
Military history: military institutions, military operations, technologies, life in trenches, prisoners;
Culture and society: economics, war production, enrollment, the role of women, propaganda, literature, art and music;
The nationality question: nationalisms, separatism, irredentism. The Rome Conference on the oppressed nationalities (1918);
The fourth year of the war: entrance of the United States of America, Bolshevik revolution, the social impact of the great offensives.
The conference gives a precious possibility to scientists coming from public universities and non-governmental research institutes to confront their ideas and approaches. We pay special attention to young researchers (PhD Candidates, or those who has recently obtained their PhD, assistant professors under 40 years old), for whom the participation fee will be reduced to 100 euros, while the full fee for seniors (assistant professors over 40 years old, associate professors, full professors) is 200 euros.
Any bank fees and money transfer costs are not included in the registration fee and should be covered additionally by the participant. We will accept payments in cash, on the very day of the Conference, only in exceptional cases. Please send the registration fee, not later than April 7th, to the following bank account:
Beneficiary: Associazione “”
Iban Code (in Italy): IT 34 B 02008 05108 000401219762
Swift Code (from abroad): UNCRITM1719
Guidelines for submission
The application should be sent in one message to the following e-mail address: by March 3rd, 2014.
The application should include:
Short curriculum vitae of the participant;
Abstract of the paper (max. 300 words);
The title of the related session;
Contact details.
The Conference Organizing Committee reserves the right to accept or reject applications. All the participants will be informed about final Committee’s decision by March 31st , 2014. The final program will be published within the end of April. For any further information, please visit our website or contact us via e-mail.
Università la Sapienza
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Università La Sapienza

Author: admin

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