Flensburg (Germany), Jul. 6, 2012
On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM), the European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), in co-operation with the journal European Security, is organizing the “HCNM 20 Years On” Conference. The event will take place on Friday July 6, 2012 in Flensburg, Germany.
The conference will try to review the first 20 years of activity of the HCNM and the future challenges of minority-majority relations in Europe . The aim of the Conference is to enhance knowledge and understanding of the HCNM’s functions and role by engaging speakers and participants in a meaningful reflection of the HCNM’s past, present and future activities including perceived upcoming challenges.
Structured in three thematic sessions, the Conference will seek to take stock through a historical overview of the role played by the HCNM in the conflicts and transitions in Europe in the 1990s, to analyze the international circumstances that have contributed to the further development of the HCNM’s work, and to reflect on the future challenges that the Office of the HCNM will be called to address in advancing peaceful inter-ethnic relations in the OSCE area.
The participants
The conference will be attended by prominent international speakers:
Arie Bloed, the Netherlands Helsinki Committee
Ilze Brands Kehris, Office of the High Commissioner on National Minorities, OSCE
Ambassador Torben Brylle, Permanent Delegation of Denmark to the OSCE (tbc)
Krzysztof Drzewicki, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Poland
Ambassador Rolf Ekéus, former OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities (tbc)
David Galbreath, University of Bath
Rainer Hofmann, Johann-Wolfgang Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main
Ambassador Heiner Horsten, Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany to the OSCE (tbc)
Jennifer Jackson-Preece, London School of Economics and Political Science
Tove Malloy, ECMI Director
John Packer, University of Essex
Francesco Palermo, European Academy of Bozen/Bolzano
Stefan Troebst, University of Leipzig
Ambassador Knut Vollebæk, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
Stefan Wolff, University of Birmingham
Wolfgang Zellner, IFSH, University of Hamburg
How to participate to the Conference
For more information on how to participate to the conference, please contact caruso@ecmi.de.
Organizer and Partners
European Center for Minority Issues (ECMI)
European Security
Information & contacts
Ugo Caruso
Project Research Associate, ECMI
address: Schiffbrücke 12, Kompagnietor
D-24939 Flensburg (Germany)
tel.: : 0049.461.14149.30
fax: 0049.461.14149.19
e-mail: caruso@ecmi.de