Cristina Carpinelli
Cristina Carpinelli is an expert of CEE countries.
Gender politics; Welfare state systems; Social dynamics and conflicts; Mass media and society; Politics and society; International Affairs; Geopolitics.
She is a Scientific Committee Member of CeSPI (International Problems Study Center of Sesto San Giovanni – Milan ) as an expert on CEE (Central-Eastern Europe) and South-Eastern Europe (including Russia), and a monthly contributor to “noidonne” Magazine for gender and family politics in CEE (including Russia). She was part of the team experts of the U.S. Site “AllExperts” for the categories: “Sociology” and “Russia – News & Politics” (January 2007-April 2017). She was part of the teaching staff for the training module “Objective Russia” (professional diploma for economic operators – ISPI school; module suspended from 2015) and for the training module “European Union and ethnic and national minorities” (diploma in “European Affairs” – ISPI school 2016). She is a member of the Scientific Committee of Mitteleuropean Social Watch (OSME, Budapest – since January 2016). She is a cultural advisor of Culture House of Milan (since May 2018).
La società sovietica negli anni della perestroika (Nuovi Autori, 1991); Donne e famiglia nella Russia sovietica (F. Angeli, 1998); Donne e povertà nella Russia di El’cin (Franco Angeli, 2004); “Identities in Transition: Fsu Countries after the Collapse of Real Socialism” (CeSPI, 2004); La Russia a pezzi (Achab, 2008); “L’allargamento dell’Europa ai paesi dell’Est” (CeSPI, 2008), paper presented at the Conference “Quo vadis, Europe?”, organized by Municipality of Sesto San Giovanni – Milan, November 18, 2011; “Paesi Baltici tra integrazione europea e ‘apartheid’” in: Ripensare l’Europa dalle fondamenta, Mimesis, 2014 (Conference proceedings “Ripensare l’Europa dalle fondamenta”. Conference was organized by CeSPI and Municipality of Sesto San Giovanni – Milan; November 30, 2013); “Ucraina: un paese spaccato in due” (CeSPI, 2014), paper prepared for the Conference “Crisi Ucraina: quali possibili chiavi di lettura?” (May 16, 2014) organized by the Municipality of Sesto San Giovanni (Milan) and by CeSPI; “Nato, Ucraina, Russia”, (CeSPI, 2014); “L’Unione Europea e le minoranze etniche. Case-Studies: Ungheria, Romania e Paesi Baltici” (co-author: Massimo Congiu), CreateSpace – an Company, May 18, 2016; L’Europa dell’Est e i nuovi nazional-populismi. I casi polacco e ungherese. Co-author: Massimo Congiu (Bonomo Editore, ottobre 2017); “The Citizenship Policies of the Baltic States within the EU Framework on Minority Rights” in: Polish Political Science Yearbook, vol. 48(2) (2019), pp. 193-221.
English and Russian (professional working proficiency). Basic knowledge of the Bulgarian language.
She lives and works in Milan