Red Globalization

Red globalizationOscar Sanchez-Sibony

Red Globalization
The Political Economy of the Soviet Cold War from Stalin to Khrushchev

Was the Soviet Union a superpower? Red Globalization is a significant rereading of the Cold War as an economic struggle shaped by the global economy. Oscar Sanchez-Sibony challenges the idea that the Soviet Union represented a parallel socio-economic construct to the liberal world economy. Instead he shows that the USSR, a middle-income country more often than not at the mercy of global economic forces, tracked the same path as other countries in the world, moving from 1930s autarky to the globalizing processes of the postwar period. In examining the constraints and opportunities afforded the Soviets in their engagement of the capitalist world, he questions the very foundations of the Cold War narrative as a contest between superpowers in a bipolar world. Far from an economic force in the world, the Soviets managed only to become dependent providers of energy to the rich world, and second-best partners to the global South.

Oscar Sanchez-Sibony, Universidade de Macau
Oscar Sanchez-Sibony received his PhD from the University of Chicago. His dissertation won the ASEEES Robert C. Tucker/Stephen F. Cohen Dissertation Prize in 2010. He is Assistant Professor of World History at the University of Macau, where he teaches courses on Soviet history, the Cold War and global capitalism.

Cambridge University Press


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