Relief In Time Of Need
Michael Beizer Relief In Time Of Need: Russian Jewry And The Joint, 1914-24 World War I’s Eastern Front was located in the midst of the Russian Pale of Settlement, where up to a third of the urban population was Jewish. The war resulted in thousands of civilian deaths and severe damage to the entire region’s economy. Urban populations suffered the worst from artillery shell-ing, requisitions, and outright robbery. In addition, each...
Legacies of Violence
Ed. by Böhler, Jochen / Borodziej, Wlodzimierz / Puttkamer, Joachim von Legacies of Violence: Eastern Europe’s First World War – The First World War began in the Balkans, and it was fought as fiercely in the East as it was in the West. Fighting persisted in the East for almost a decade, radically transforming the political and social order of the entire continent. The specifics of the Eastern war such as mass deportations, ethnic...