The Real History of Lithuania in the 20th Century
Pubblichiamo la recensione a cura di Alessandro Vitale del testo The Real History of Lithuania in the 20th Century di Rokas Tracevskis, “Le storiografie delle repubbliche ex sovietiche, indipendenti da venticinque anni, vengono spesso accusate di parzialità, nazionalismo, autocensura e falsificazione della storia. Diversi casi e opere pubblicate in questi anni in alcune repubbliche centroasiatiche e caucasiche, ma anche...
The Real History of Lithuania in the 20th Century
Rokas Tracevskis The Real History of Lithuania in the 20th Century The Real History of Lithuania in the 20th Century is for those interested in the history of Lithuania. Some parts of this history are seen through the eyes of one of its witnesses, Rokas Tracevskis. All during his career, he has been a journalist in the international English-language media (except for his years of work in the European Commission). The book’s author is...