CfP: Unknown Fronts 2015
Unknown Fronts 2015 : Unknown Fronts The “Eastern Turn” in First World War history Link: When Nov 5, 2015 – Nov 6, 2015 Where Groningen, The Netherlands Submission Deadline May 10, 2015 On November 5/6, 2015, the University of Groningen will host a conference about the South Eastern and Eastern European theatre of the First World War. Since the fall of Communism and the collapse of the Eastern Bloc, many...
CfP: Oral history in Central-Eastern Europe
Oral history in Central-Eastern Europe: current research areas, challenges and specificity Łódź, Poland, 17-18 September 2015 Deadline: February 28th 2015 In the past several years, oral history has become increasingly popular in Central and Eastern Europe, both in academia and beyond. It is impossible to overstate the importance of various local initiatives aimed at recording history and propagating knowledge about a region’s...