The Russian Empire and Soviet Union
A Guide to Manuscripts and Archival Materials in the United States
This guide to manuscripts and archival material pertaining to Russia and the USSR is the fruit of four years of work by a team of Research Associates of the Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies led by Dr. John H. Brown and Dr. Steven A. Grant. Their assignment was enormous in scope and they carried it out with distinction. In the course of their work, the editors and researchers contacted more than 7,500 institutions and individuals in the continental United States, Hawaii, and Alaska. Hundreds of collections that had heretofore escaped scholarly attention were brought to light, while dozens of other major collections were catalogued for the first time. Their contents might now become known in detail not only to scholars but, in some cases, to their owners, many of whom had earlier sought in vain for authoritative information on the materials they have inherited or otherwise acquired. All those interested in the history and culture of the peoples of the USSR will therefore be grateful to the editors for the thoroughness and persistence they have shown.