1922-2022: The Centenary of the End of the Ottoman Empire, History, Political Change, and Legacy

International Conference organized by Department of History and Cultures, in partnership with the Department of Political and Social Sciences: 24-25th October 2022, Aula Prodi.

Published: 26 September 2022 | Incontri e iniziative

 Conference convenors:

Çiğdem Oğuz (DiSCi), Francesca Biancani (SPS)

Conference Organizing Committee:
Caterina Bori (DiSCi), Paolo Capuzzo (DiSCi), Mattia Guidetti (DiSCi), Giuseppe Cecere (DiSCi), Massimiliano Trentin (SPS)

KEYNOTE SPEECH by Erik J. Zürcher, Professor Emeritus, University of Leiden, Before the Republic The author of the book, Turkey: A Modern History, I.B. Tauris, first edition 1993 (translated in Italian as Porta d’Oriente. Una storia della Turchia dal Settecento a oggi (traduzione di Stefania Micheli e Andrea Piccoli), Roma: Donzelli, 2016).

Speakers 24th October 2022:

Francesca Sofia, Çiğdem Oğuz, Giancarlo Casale, M. Asım Karaömerlioğlu, Lorenzo Kamel, Francesca Biancani, Erik J. Zürcher.

Speakers 25th October 2022:
Andrew Arsan, Nathalie Clayer, Simon Jackson, Ramazan Öztan, Massimiliano Trentin, Lea Nocera, Özen Nergis Seçkin Dolcerocca, Rosita D’Amora, Fulvio Bertucelli, Caterina Bori.

For information: cigdem.oguz@unibo.it; francesca.biancani@unibo.it

La partecipazione al convegno è valida per il conseguimento dei CFU seminari per i corsi di laurea in ARCO, Storia, SSO e GLOC.


Author: Aisseco

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