Baltic-Scandinavian Conference at Yale University
03/13/2014 (All day) – 03/15/2014 (All day)
The 2014 Conference on Baltic and Scandinavian Studies will be held at Yale University in New Haven, CT on March 13–15, 2014, sponsored by the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study (SASS), the Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies (AABS) and Yale University.
This conference is a joint effort of Yale University, the Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies (AABS), and the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study (SASS). This conference differs significantly from the first AABS-SASS joint conference in Seattle in 2010. That conference developed as two parallel conferences, with very little crossover either intellectually or socially. The 2014 Yale conference is intentionally trans-regional; we aim to stimulate greater discussion and exchange between two organizations and two broader regions that have a great deal in common.
The Yale conference thus features many integrated panels with papers drawing on the experience of the peoples of Scandinavia, Finland, and the southern Baltic littoral. We hope this will stimulate productive intellectual exchanges and wider professional contacts across the two scholarly associations and among scholars both of the Baltic and Scandinavia. The Yale conference also includes panels on single national/regional issues.