International Conference
Budapest October 29–31., 2020.
ERC Nepostrans research project, Institute of Political History, Budapest
Trianon100 Momentum Research Group, ELRN Center for Humanities, Budapest
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Section of Philosophy and Historical Sciences
Those, who are attending the conference on-site, please note the following:
1. Due to the Covid pandemics only a limited number of audience can be hosted on-site. The maximum number of audience at Tóth Kálmán utca is 20, at Villányi út 30.
2. We will require some data for an eventual contact tracing at the venue. We will erase it after two weeks. Registration form is available here.
3. Wearing of masks is obligatory, hand sanitizer is provided by the organizers.
October 29th, 2020.
ELRN HTK 1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán u. 4.
Room 13-14
10:30 Opening of the conference: Tamás Freund, Chairman, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Panel 1
11:00 Béla Bodó (Univ. Bonn): Action and reaction: the shared roots and the divergent causes of the red and white terrors
11:25 Tamás Révész (ELRN Center for Humanities, Trianon100): Heroic borderlands and loyal minorities? National (?) mobilizations in the contested borderlands of Austria and Hungary
11:50 Ivan Jeličić (post-doctoral reseracher, ERC Nepostrans, Univ. Rijeka): In the Name of the “True Fiumians“, Autonomist-Democrats as Challengers to Local Elite Nationalistic Logics
12:15 Discussion
Panel 2
13:30 Gergely Hubai (Univ. of Theatre and Cinema, Budapest): Visible man-Invisible film: The post-Trianon reconstruction of the Hungarian film industry
13:55 Edina Gál (Univ. Babeș-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca/Kolozsvár): Orphaned, abandoned, denationalized: The takeover of the State Children’s Asylums after 1918
14:20 Julia Bavouzet (visiting post-doctoral fellow, Inst. für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung, Vienna): State transformation in post-Habsburg Hungary. The ministry of the interior and its personnel (1918-1920)
14:45 Discussion
Panel 3
15:30 Elisabeth Haid (post-doctoral reseracher, ERC Nepostrans, Vienna): State building and local politics in Eastern Galicia
15:55 Oliver Pejić (PhD student, EUI, Florence): The persistent appeal of “unnatural” identities in interwar Yugoslavia: A look at the lower Styria’s “German- oriented Slovenes”
16:20 Ségoléne Plyer (assoc. professor, Univ. Strasbourg, senior researcher, ERC Nepostrans): The Faltis heirs and the liberal paradox. Buying flax and processing linen in Bohemia, 1914-1928
16:55 Discussion
Keynote speech
17:30 Pieter M. Judson (professor, EUI, Florence): “Rethinking the Postwar from Above and Below: 1918-1923”
October 30th, 2020.
ELRN HTK 1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán u. 4.
Room 13-14
Keynote speech
10:00 Ignác Romsics (professor, Károly Esterházy Univ., Eger, member of the Hun. Academy of Sciences): Le passé qui ne passe pas. The Treaty of Trianon and its Repercussions
Panel 4
11:00 Mike Schmerbauch (lecturer, Jesuit Univ. St. Georg, Frankfurt a. M.): The negotiations about the ancient ecclesiastical possessions regarding the former Austrian parts of the silesian diocese Breslaw Catholic Church, German
11:25 Máté Rigó (assist. professor, Yale-NUS, Singapore): Keynes in the archives. The economic consequences of the peace and the Great War
11:50 Gabriel Godeffroy (Univ. Pathéon Sorbonne – Paris 1): Elemér Hantos and the monetary problems in Hungary and Central Europe (1918-1924)
12:15 Gabriel Farquet (fellow, Wilson Center, Washington): Gold magnets: League of nations’ stabilization loans and foreign influence in Austria and Hungary
12:40 Discussion
Panel 5
13:55 Balázs Juhász (assist. professor, ELTE, Budapest): The aeronautical control of Hungary after WWI
14:20 Aliaksandr Piahanau (post-doctoral fellow, Univ. Padua): “Each wagon of coal should be paid by territorial concessions”: Hungary, Czechslovakia and the coal shortage, 1918-1921
14:45 Discussion
Panel 6
15:30 Jernej Kosi (post-doctoral researcher, ERC Nepostrans, Univ. Ljubljana): Local elites in Prekmurje in the Interwar Period: Continuities and Ruptures
15:55 Anikó-Borbála Izsák (junior reseracher, ERC Napostrans, ELTE, Budapest): Change and continuity among the economic elite of Baia Mare in the 1920s
16:20 Christopher Wendt (junior reseracher ERC Nepostrans, EUI Florence): With God into the New Era”: Catholic Politics in North Tyrol after the First World War
16:55 Discussion
October 31st, 2020.
Villányi úti Konferenciaközpont, 1113 Budapest, Villánnyi út 11-13.
Room 300
Panel 7
11:00 Sebastian Paul-Ramisch: Transformation of different speeds. A comparison of the former Hungarian and then Czechoslovak provinces Orava and Subcarpathia in the period from 1918 to 1924
11:25 Károly Ignácz (senior reseracher, ERC Nepostrans, Inst. of Political History, Budapest): Local Representatives in one of the Suburbs of Budapest before and after the WWI: the Continuity of the Liberal and Social Democratic Political Elites in Erzsébetfalva?
11:50 Viktoriya Serhiienko (researcher, Institute of Ukrainian Archeography and Source Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine): Establishing border between Slovakia and Rusinsko after the WWI: international, national and regional aspects
12:15 Discussion
Panel 8
13:30 Sandra Panzner (Univ. Erlangen): Trianon and the Theatre – On the form and function of a cross-border discourse space
13:55 Pál Hatos (director, Institute for Central Europe at the József Eötvös Research Center of the National Univ. of Public Service, Budapest): Messianic hopes-wordly defeats. Revolution and secular religion after WWI in Hungary
14:20 Lili Zách (Maynooth University Arts and Humanities Institute, Associate Member): Beyond borders and identities: Irish nationalist images of the Treaty of Trianon, 1920-1939
14:45 Discussion
Panel 9
15:30 Marco Bresciani (Univ. Florence): The “hidden psychic and economic bonds” between Austria-Hungary and Italy and the post-Habsburg Trieste culture (1918-1926)
15:55 Gábor Egry (ERC Nepostrans, Inst. of Political History): What is a local business elite on a periphery? The Sothern Banat’s economy in transition
16:20 Kathryn Densford (Elisabethtown College): Beyond Bohemian state rights: the lower Austrian towns that became Czech
16:55 Cody James Inglis (junior researcher, ERC Nepostrans, CEU Vienna-Budapest): Brutalization and Overlapping Authority: Provincial Administration, Political Elites, and the Exit from War in Southern Moravia and Northern Lower Austria
17:20 Discussion