Bando italo-franco-tedesco – Conferenze di ricerca trilaterali
Per promuovere in modo duraturo il confronto e la formazione di reti fra ricercatori e ricercatrici nel campo delle scienze umane e sociali attivi in Italia, Germania e Francia e con l’obiettivo esplicito di sostenere l’uso dell’italiano, del tedesco e del francese come lingue scientifiche, Villa Vigoni, la Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) e la Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (FMSH) hanno sviluppato il programma delle...
The 21st Century Hybrid War: Reactions from the European Periphery on Russian-Ukrainian crises
More than a decade has passed since the onset of numerous Ukraine-centered crises (with global geopolitical relevance), marked by the Ukrainian Orange Revolution, Euromaidan, Russia’s annexation of Crimea, flirtation with a greater physical NATO presence inside of Ukrainian territory and possible NATO membership, the subsequent war in Eastern Ukraine, and finally the “special military operation” soon thereafter. These crises have been...
CfP: 2 postdoc positions, ERC StG INWOOD
Title of the fellowships: Micro-histories of Industrial Woodlands in Eastern Europe (1870-1914) Location: University of Turin, Italy Salary: €2,100 net per month, plus full reimbursement of conference and archival trip expenses. Hours: full-time Contract type: 2 years, renewable (2+2) Deadline: 23 September 2024, 1pm CET Job reference: DSS.2024.05-06 Applications are invited for 2 postdoc positions in History to be held at the...