Osservatorio Sociale Mitteleuropeo (OSME)
Osservatorio Sociale Mitteleuropeo (OSME) Si tratta di un’agenzia che si propone di monitorare il mondo del lavoro e degli affari sociali in Ungheria in Slovacchia e nella Repubblica Ceca, tre realtà che fanno parte del gruppo di paesi entrati nell’Unione europea il primo maggio del 2004. L’intento dell’Osservatorio è quello di fornire agli interessati degli aggiornamenti inizialmente bisettimanali su quanto riguarda le complesse...
CfP: Divided Memories, Shared Memories Poland, Russia, Ukraine: History Mirrored in Literature and Cinema
Deadline: April 30, 2018. International Conference Geneva, 13-14 December 2018 Divided Memories, Shared Memories Poland, Russia, Ukraine: History Mirrored in Literature and Cinema In Central and Eastern European countries, memorial questions appeared right after the demise of the communist regimes in 1989–1991, revealing long-denied processes. The phenomenon of the rise of repressed memories along with the rewriting of history, and...
CfP: Conferenza Alba Iulia
Deadline 30 April 2018 MINISTRY OF CULTURE AND NATIONAL IDENTITY ALBA COUNTY COUNCIL NATIONAL MUSEUM OF UNIFICATION ALBA IULIA „1 DECEMBRIE 1918” UNIVERSITY OF ALBA IULIA Call for Papers International Conference: Treaties of the Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920) 3 rd – 7th June 2018 The peace conference held in the capital of France following the end of the First World War was the one that changed the face of Europe and the...
Demolition on Karl Marx Square
Andrew Demshuk Demolition on Karl Marx Square Cultural Barbarism and the People’s State in 1968 Communist East Germany’s demolition of Leipzig’s perfectly intact medieval University Church in May 1968 was an act decried as “cultural barbarism” across the two Germanies and beyond. Although overshadowed by the crackdown on Prague Spring mere weeks later, the willful destruction of this historic landmark on...
CfP: Borders, Boundaries, Territories: Creating and Reshaping Collective Identities
Deadline 15 April 2018 The Doctoral School of the Faculty of History, University of Bucharest, would like to invite PhD candidates in history, political science, international relations, economics or any other related fields, from all over the world, to an international conference about borders, barriers and frontiers as they have evolved and shaped human society throughout centuries. Transnational, regional and global perspectives...
CfP: Regimes and Societies in Conflict: Eastern Europe and Russia since 1956
The deadline for proposals is March 31, 2018. The Institute for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Uppsala University and the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies invite proposals for panels and papers for a two-day conference to be held at Uppsala University in September 2018 with the theme ‘Regimes and Societies in Conflict: Eastern Europe and Russia since 1956’. Over the last 60 years Eastern Europe and Russia have...