Jewish Refugees in the Balkans, 1933-1945

Jewish Refugees in the Balkans, 1933-1945

Bojan Aleksov The Balkans provided the escape route for tens of thousands of German Jews, and remained a place of refuge until the Nazis brutally shut it off with the mass murder of Jewish refugees on the so-called Kladovo transport starting in September 1941, which can be considered as the beginning of the Holocaust in Europe. Responding to publications about the Western European and American exile experience of the Jews after 1933,...

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Nadia Comaneci and the Secret Police

Nadia Comaneci and the Secret Police

Stejarel Olaru, Alistair Ian Blyth Nadia Comaneci is the Romanian child prodigy and global gymnastics star who ultimately fled her homeland and the brutal oppression of a communist regime. At the age of just 14, Nadia became the first gymnast to be awarded a perfect score of 10.0 at the 1976 Montreal Olympic Games and went on to collect three gold medals in performances which influenced the sport for generations to come, cementing...

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Stalinism at War

Stalinism at War

Mark Edele Stalinism at War tells the epic story of the Soviet Union in World War Two. Starting with Soviet involvement in the war in Asia and ending with a bloody counter-insurgency in the borderlands of Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltics, the Soviet Union’s war was both considerably longer and more all-encompassing than is sometimes appreciated. Here, acclaimed scholar Mark Edele explores the complex experiences of both ordinary...

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Images of Otherness in Russia, 1547-1917

Images of Otherness in Russia, 1547-1917

Kati Parppei & Bulat Rakhimzianov Defining the Others, “them”, in relation to one’s own reference group, “us”, has been an essential phase in the formation of collective identities in any given country or region. In the case of Russia, the formulation of these binary definitions – sometimes taking a form of enemy images – can be traced all the way to medieval texts, in which religion represented the dividing line. Further, the...

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The Shaken Lands

The Shaken Lands

Balkelis Tomas The Shaken Lands Violence and the Crisis of Governance in East Central Europe, 1914–1923 The volume focuses on violence during the breakdown of East Central European states brought by one of the most violent periods in modern European history: from the start of the Great War in 1914 until 1923 when Europe, finally, achieved peace after a series of civil conflicts and interstate wars....

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L’occupazione italiana in URSS

L’occupazione italiana in URSS

Raffaello Pannacci Quasi due anni di presenza sul posto, circa 250.000 uomini in campo, una delle peggiori sconfitte dell’esercito italiano, un’infinità di memorie di guerra pubblicate. Eppure, la campagna di Russia è ritenuta un teatro bellico eccentrico, è stata più volte definita “la guerra dei tedeschi” e resta tuttora un tema poco praticato dagli storici, in specie per quanto riguarda l’occupazione militare. Sulla base di fonti...

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