La Retraite de Serbie
L. L. A. Thomson La Retraite de Serbie octobre-décembre 1915 Au cours de l’automne 1915, la Serbie est envahie par les empires allemand et austro-hongrois alliés au royaume de Bulgarie. En trois mois, la Serbie est vaincue. Putnik, le général en chef de l’armée serbe, dirige la retraite de ses troupes vers l’Ouest, à travers les régions montagneuses du Kosovo, du Monténégro et d’Albanie, dont les imposants sommets déjà enneigés...
Paths to survival? Yugoslav Jews and Italian Occupation Zone 1941-1943
“Paths to survival? Yugoslav Jews and Italian Occupation Zone 1941-1943” First meeting of the International Project “Italy and the Deportation of Jews in the Occupied Territories during World War II: 1939-1945” Project Coordinators: Giovanni Orsina and Andrea Ungari, Luiss Guido Carli University 23-24 March 2016, Institute for Recent History of Serbia, Belgrade 10.00 – 10.30 Mile Bjelajac, Director of the Institute for Recent History...
Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest
Segnaliamo l’uscita dell’ultimo numero della rivista Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest Dossier: Habiter l’espace post-yougoslave Dossier: La fabrique européenne des politiques de réconciliation
Italia e Serbia durante la prima guerra mondiale
Convegno scientifico Italia e Serbia durante la prima guerra mondiale Belgrado 4 dicembre 2015 Programma Ore 9 – Accademia serba delle Scienze e Arti (SANU), sala 3 I. Italia e Serbia alla prova della Grande Guerra 1. La Grande Guerra della Serbia 1914-1918 (Dušan Bataković, Istituto di Studi Balcanici, 2. La politica estera italiana e la prima guerra mondiale: riflessioni e valutazioni (Luca Riccardi, Università degli studi di...
The Foreign Policies of Post-Yugoslav States
Edited by Soeren Keil, Bernhard Stahl The Foreign Policies of Post-Yugoslav States. From Yugoslavia to Europe The post-Yugoslav states have developed very differently since Yugoslavia dissolved in the early 1990s. This collection analyzes the foreign policies of the post-Yugoslav states focusing on the main goals, actors, decision-making processes and influences on the foreign policies of these countries. It demonstrates how internal...
Balkans into Southeastern Europe, 1914-2014
John Lampe Balkans into Southeastern Europe, 1914-2014 A Century of War and Transition 2nd edition The states and peoples of Southeastern Europe have been divided by wars over the twentieth century, but they have since worked to re-establish themselves into the European mainstream. This timely new edition has been revised, updated and expanded in the light of the latest scholarship and recent events. John R. Lampe now offers a...