Policy of anti-Semitism and Holocaust during post-war retribution trials in European states
September 7 – 8, 2016, Banská Bystrica, Slovak Republic
Deadline for the applications is March 31, 2016.
Museum of the Slovak National Uprising in Banská Bystrica
Historical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava
Department of General History of the Faculty of Philosophy of Comenius University in Bratislava
Venue of the Conference:
Educational Centre of the Museum of the Slovak National Uprising, Tulská 39, Banská Bystrica, Slovak Republic
Date: September 7 – 8, 2016
Languages of the Conference: Slovak, Czech, English, Russian
Annotation: After World War II attempts appeared to deal with the results of the War in individual European states by law suits. Within the frame of these law suits that included political representatives, who collaborated with Nazi Germany and also individuals, who executed its orders, the charges included also Holocaust question or autochthonous anti- Semitic policy.
The aim of the conference is not only to cover the contemporary situation of research regarding this topic within the framework of highest representatives of collaborating states, or political elites. We also want to show how post war legislative systems were formed in that area (including Code of Criminal Procedure), or to which extent the question of violation of human rights in connection with implementation of racial policy, accented.
Our aim is to show lower levels of administrative and self-administrative bodies, political parties, or paramilitary organizations, which influenced preparation and realization of the policy of anti-Semitism in individual states (for example preparation of deportations, prompt execution of directives of their governing bodies etc). It is also possible to show it by using the examples of local aggressors – for example in the region (district), at party or state level of subjected bodies (in case of Slovakia for example district chief, government officer, party chairman, chairman of paramilitary organization Hlinka’s Guard). Our interest is also focused on the question, if in national or regional trials information about the Holocaust appeared in testimonies of those Jews, who survived, or in testimonies of other antifascists, who were witnesses in these trials. Fates of Jews (and also non-Jews – antifascists) many times crossed each other and were similar. The aim of the conference is to summarize the topic of the Holocaust in post war trials and also to show the results of these trials with regard to mentioned local aggressors based on the research in the regions (districts).
You can apply at any of e-mail addresses listed above, or to the secretariat of the Museum of the Slovak National Uprising muzeumsnp@muzeumsnp.sk.Deadline for the applications is March 31, 2016. We will not accept the applications after that date. We will cover travel costs, accommodation and food from September 6 to September 9, 2016 for invited participants of the conference. The lectures will not be salaried.
Conference lecture:
The time reserved for the presentation of the lecture is 20 minutes. Prepare the presentation at the conference in 3 norm pages maximum. Send the presentation till May 15th , 2016 in one of the languages of the conference. You can also prepare a Power point presentation. If you will have not the possibility to be personally at the conference, you can present your lecture by form of a video conference (for example Skype), or send your video performance on a DVD. Term to send the lectures to be published in the Conference Almanac is May 31st , 2016 in the extent of 8 to 22 norm pages (14 – 40 thousand characters with spaces).
PhDr. Stanislav Mičev, PhD. : stanislav.micev@muzeumsnp.sk or cell phone: +421 918 899 400 (Russian language)
Mgr. Viera Kováčová: viera.kovacova@muzeumsnp.sk or cell phone: +421 918 899 420 (Slovak and Russian language)
Mgr. Boris Vigaš: boris.vigas@muzeumsnp.sk or cell phone: +421 918 899 408 (English language)
Mgr. Ivan Kocák: ivan.kocak@muzeumsnp.sk or cell phone: +421 918 899 401 (German language)