Deadline for proposals: July 1st, 2013

The Časopis za povijest Zapadne Hrvatske (West Croatian History Journal), is a publication of the Department of History of the University of Rijeka (Croatia). The journal covers all historical periods but welcomes multi-disciplinary approaches to the history of Central European, Southeastern European and Mediterranean societies, people and cultures.

The West Croatian History Journal is soliciting papers for a Special Interdisciplinary Issue on „Wars and Remembrance“ throughout the entire history of Central Europe, Southeastern Europe and the Mediterranean basin.

The upcoming academic and commemorative attention on the 100th anniversary of the First World War has highlighted the lack of scholarship on this period in Croatia, both empirically and through the lens of memory studies. The concept of “collective remembrance” developed by Jay Winter and Emmanuel Sivan in their volume Remembering War in the Twentieth Century (1999) is useful for analyzing how state actors construct and use narratives of past conflicts for their own political legitimacy. Simultaneously other “memory entrepreneurs” – whether the political opposition, marginalized groups, or other organizations with vested interests in positing counter-narratives of past conflicts – challenge the dominant narratives from the bottom up. This methodological approach has been used extensively in Western Europe but still represents an emerging field in the Yugoslav successor states. We are therefore encouraging scholars in the region and abroad to contribute either theoretical reflections or case studies about the nexus between war, memories and practices of remembrance to this special issue. Although submissions on the First World War are particularly valued, articles covering other wars and practices of remembrance in the 20th century and earlier centuries will also be considered.

The West Croatian History Journal offers the possibility to publish:

Original scientific articles (Izvorni znanstveni članci)

Review articles (pregledni članci),

Preliminary papers (prethodno priopćenja, i.e., working papers) and

Conference papers (Izlaganja sa znanstvenog skupa).

The West Croatian History Journal will publish articles in the following languages: Croatian, English, Italian and Slovenian. All submitted papers will be selected by the Editor in Chief and the Editorial board, and will be evaluated by two (or if needed, three) blind reviewers.

Deadline for proposals: July 1st, 2013

Deadline for finalized papers: September 1st, 2013.

Please submit your proposal with a short abstract to the following e-mail address: and

Vanni D’Alessio, Editor in Chief

Časopis za povijest Zapadne Hrvatske (West Croatian History Journal)

Kontakti/Contacts: tel +385(0)51/265-638

Izdavač / Publisher:

Odsjek za povijest Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci

Department of History, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Rijeka

Sveučilišna avenija 4, Kampus Trsat, 51000 Rijeka, Hrvatska/Croatia

Vanni D’ALESSIO (Glavni urednik / Editor in Chief),

Mila ORLIĆ (Zamjenica glavnog urednika / Vice Editor in Chief)

Kosana JOVANOVIĆ (Tajnica – Urednica prikaza knjiga / Secretary – Book Review Editor)

Međunarodni Urednički kolegij / International Editorial Board:

John ASHBROOK (Sweet Briar College), Pamela BALLINGER (University of Michigan), Daniel BARIC (Université François-Rabelais, Tours), Vesna BAUER MUNIĆ (Sveučilište u Rijeci), Emilio COCCO (Università di Teramo), Maja ĆUTIĆ GORUP (Sveučilište u Rijeci), Vanni D’ALESSIO (Università di Napoli Federico II / Sveučilište u Rijeci), Darko DAROVEC (Univerza na Primorskem, Koper), Franko DOTA (Sveučilište u Rijeci), Mila DRAGOJEVIĆ (The University of the South, Sewanee TN), Darko DUKOVSKI (Sveučilište u Rijeci), Guido FRANZINETTI (Università del Piemonte orientale, Alessandria), Kosana JOVANOVIĆ (Sveučilište u Rijeci), Aleksej KALC (Univerza na Primorskem,Koper), Heike KARGE (Universität Regensburg), Borut KLABJAN (Univerza na Primorskem, Koper), Mila ORLIĆ (Sveučilište u Rijeci), Gherardo ORTALLI (Università di Venezia), Vjeran PAVLAKOVIĆ (Sveučilište u Rijeci), Maja POLIĆ (Zavod za povijesne i društvene znanosti HAZU, Rijeka), Dominique REILL (University of Miami), Ludwig STEINDORFF (Christian Albrechts Universität zu Kiel), Sabine RUTAR (Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung, Regensburg), Franjo ŠANJEK (Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti), Fabio TODERO (Istituto regionale per la storia del movimento di liberazione in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Trieste)


The editorial board retains the right to modify the articles within the propositions of the Journal and the standards of the English language. Every article should have a short summary at the beginning of the text, a larger summary(of 1 – 1,5 pages) for translation and a few key words or terms.

The authors are asked to prepare their articles for publishing in the West Croatian History Journal in the following manner:

Font Times New Roman; 12; 1,5 line spacing; Justify.

Instructions for footnoting:


Name SURNAME, Title, Place of publishing: Publisher, year., page number.

When repeating the same source an abridged version should be used:

SURNAME, Title, page number.

When repeating the same source in the following footnote the author should use:

Ibid, page number.

Articles in Journals

Name SURNAME, “Title”, Journal title, volume number (edition year) page number.

When repeating the same source an abridged version should be used:

SURNAME, “Title”, page number.

Book chapters or articles in a Collection of papers

Name SURNAME, “Title”, in Book/Collection of papers title, ed. by Name SURNAME-Name

SURNAME (for a group of authors), Place of publishing: Publisher, year., page number.

Newspaper articles

Name SURNAME, “Title”, Newspaper title, Place of publishing, date and year., page number.

Unpublished archive material

Archive where the material is kept (further: abridged name), Title of the archive fond (further:

abridged name), box or volume number, page or folio number.

Unpublished PhD or MA dissertation

Name SURNAME, “Title”, PhD or MA dissertation, University, year of the defence.

Sources from the Internet

Name SURNAME, “Title”, Web page title, URL of the page (date when the page was accessed).


Uredništvo si pridržava pravo da rad prilagodi propozicijama Časopisa i

standardima hrvatskog književnog jezika. Svaki članak treba imati kratki sažetak

na početku teksta, veći sažetak (1 – 1,5 kartice) za prijevod na strani jezik te

nekoliko ključnih riječi ili pojmova.

Molimo autore da prilikom predaje svog rada za objavu u Časopisu za

povijest Zapadne Hrvatske oblikuju tekst na slijedeći način:


Times New Roman; 12; 1,5 prored; kurent, obostrano poravnavanje teksta.

Način citiranja:


Ime PREZIME, Naslov, Mjesto izdanja: Izdavač, godina izdanja., broj citirane stranice.

Kada se isto djelo ponovo navodi u tekstu treba koristiti skraćeni oblik:

PREZIME, Naslov, broj citirane stranice.

Za ponavljanje istog izvora u slijedećoj fusnoti treba koristiti:

Ibid, br. str.


Ime PREZIME, „Naslov“, Naslov časopisa broj sveska (godina izdanja.): broj citirane stranice.

Kada se isti članak ponovo navodi treba koristiti skraćeni oblik:

PREZIME, „Naslov“, broj citirane stranice.

Prilozi u knjigama ili zbornicima radova

Ime PREZIME, „Naslov priloga“, u Naslov knjige/zbornika, ur. Ime PREZIME-Ime PREZIME

(za skupinu autora), Mjesto izdanja: Izdavač, godina izdanja., broj citirane stranice.

Novinski članci

Ime PREZIME, „Naslov članka“, Naziv novina, Mjesto izdanja, datum i godina., broj citirane


Neobjavljena arhivska građa

Arhiv u kojem je gradivo pohranjeno (dalje: skraćeni naziv), Naziv arhivskog fonda (dalje:

skraćeni naziv), broj kutije odnosno sveska, stranica odnosno list (folij).

Doktorska disertacija ili magistarski rad

Ime PREZIME, „Naslov disertacije ili magistarskog rada“, doktorska disretacija (ili magistarski

rad), Naziv sveučilišta, godina obrane.

Izvori sa interneta

Ime PREZIME, „Naslov“, Naslov mrežne stranice. URL stranice (datum kada je stranici pristupljeno).

Vanni D’Alessio

Author: admin

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