Revolutionary shock/waves: the October Revolution in Eastern
Nov. 9-12, 2017
Chicago, Illinois. ASEEES Annual Convention
Deadline for Abstracts : February 12, 2017 (please send to the organizers)
Funding : Possible Travel Grant
The panel marks the centenary of the October Revolution by focusing on the
reverberation and reception of October in neighboring countries. It seeks
contributions in two main directions. On the one hand, we are interested in
the effects of October on the praxis of socialists and the oppressed throughout
regions on Eastern Europe and the Balkans. On the other, we seek to engage
with the foes of the Revolution. How was the Revolution spoken about by its
detractors? What did they do against its dispersal in the local contexts? We
are interested in contributions detailing reactions to October by interwar
intelligentsia or by the state apparatus reeling from the shockwave. Finally,
the panel re-reads Socialist history of revolutionary practice. What channels
were used in order to spread revolutionary praxis? What historical forms did
the Revolution undertake in sites outside its epicenter and what concrete
strategies were used in the solidification of socialist practice? In addition
to scrutinizing anti-communist discourse of the period, we will engage in a
critical re-evaluation of sympathetic observers’ scholarship dedicated to the
Revolution. We thus hope to receive contributions by East-Europeanists taking
stock with musings and usings of the Revolution in order to think together
about the question of *How to write the Revolution*.
Panel co-convenors
For any further inquiries and to send your abstracts, please email to:
Raia Apostolova (CEU, Budapest) and
Jana Tsoneva (CEU, Budapest)