Doctoral Program in Global History of Empires
Doctoral Program in Archeology, History and Art History
in collaboration with the
Framing, Ruling, Transforming Spaces
February 10, 4-6 pm
A Making of Translocal Spaces through Musicking: African
Creative Diaspora in São Paulo
Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji | Universidade de São Paulo
Jasper Chalcraft European | University Institute
Discussant: Elisa Bignante
February 20, 4-6 pm
Emperors in Exile: Global Royals in London in 1824 and the
Ridiculousness of Those Who Rule
Karen Racine | University of Guelph
Discussant: Maria Matilde Benzoni
February 27, 4-6 pm
Soviet Materiality, Consumption, Technological Innovations,
and the Cold War
Elena Kochetkova | HSE St Petersburg
Discussant: Barbara Curli
March 5, 4-6 pm
Controlling Transregional and Global Flows by Spatial
Formats. Late 18th Century to the Present
Mathias Middell | University of Leipzig
Discussant: Edoardo Tortarolo
March 9, 4-6 pm
Catholic Republicanism: Modern Republican Experiences in
the Iberian Atlantic
Gabriel Entin | Universidad de Chile/Conicet
Discussant: Franco Motta
March 12, 4-6 pm
Spaces of Nationhood, Spaces of Empire: Friedrich Ratzel and
the Ambivalence of Lebensraum
Mark Bassin | Södertörn University-Upssala University
Discussant: Maria Luisa Sturani
March 19, 4-6 pm
Justice, Space, and Otherness in Late Imperial Russia
Tatiana Borisova | HSE St Petersburg
Discussant: Federica Morelli
March 26, 4-6 pm
From Steppe to Sown – creating a Russian Settler Colony in
Semirech’e, 1854 – 1916
Alexander Morrison | Oxford University
Discussant: Alberto Masoero
April 2, 5-7 pm
Conceptions of Space in Ottoman Cities: Governance and
Nora Lafi Leibniz | Zentrum Moderner Orient
Discussant: Tommaso Bobbio
April 16, 4-6 pm
Erased. The Untold History of the Panama Canal
Marixa Lasso | Ministerio de Cultura de Panamá
Discussant: Marco Mariano
April 23, 4-6 pm
It takes two to Tango: Rethinking Enlightenment and
Mark Thurner |University of London
Discussant: Roberto Beneduce
April 30, 4-6 pm
A De-Territorialized Empire? U.S. Global Hegemony post
Mario del Pero | SciencesPo, Paris
Discussant: David Elwood
May 7, 4-6 pm
Overlapping Empires in the Chinese-Russian Borderlands:
Opium Trade, Migrations, and Violence, 1890s-1930s
Niccolò Pianciola | Lignan University, Hong Kong
Discussant: Guido Abbattista
May 14, 4-6 pm
From Company to Colonial Government: the Transforming
of German New Guinea
Felicity Jensz | Münster University
Discussant: Patricia Chiantera
May 21, 4-6 pm
The Material Turn in Early Modern Global History: Beyond
Giorgio Riello | EUI, Firenze
Discussant: Lorenzo Kamel
Campus Luigi Einaudi
Room 3D233 | Lungo Dora Siena 100 – Torino