Dopo il Muro. Europa, democrazia, sinistra a trent’anni dal 1989

Dopo il Muro. Europa, democrazia, sinistra a trent’anni dal 1989

Disponibile l’audio del convegno, tenutosi il 15 novembre a Roma presso l’Archivio centrale dell’UDI, sul trentennale della caduta del muro di Berlino. Tra aspettative mancate, rovesciamenti inattesi e giudizi controversi sulla storia e sul presente. L’audio è disponibile su Ordine degli interventi: Prima parte del convegno....

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A trent’anni dalla caduta del Muro di Berlino, fra storia e memoria

A trent’anni dalla caduta del Muro di Berlino, fra storia e memoria

11 novembre 2019, ore 15.30-18.30 Sala Atti “Arduino Agnelli” Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici Università degli Studi di Trieste Androna Campo Marzio 10 Stefano Santoro, Università degli Studi di Trieste Il Partito comunista italiano e la crisi dei regimi comunisti in Europa orientale Tullia Catalan, Università degli Studi di Trieste Berlino, città delle memorie del Novecento Paolo Panizzo, Università degli Studi di Trieste Wende –...

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The Forgotten 1989 Ethnic Cleansing of Bulgaria’s Turk

The Forgotten 1989 Ethnic Cleansing of Bulgaria’s Turk

Tomasz Kamusella, University of St Andrews The Forgotten 1989 Ethnic Cleansing of Bulgaria’s Turks Thursday 30 May 2019 at 14:30 Aula dottorato Global History & Governance Largo San Marcellino 10, 4° piano Napoli Tomasz Kamusella specializes in the interdisciplinary study of language politics and nationalism in modern central Europe. At present he is finishing Historical Atlas of Language Politics in Modern Central Europe (IB...

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CfP: Thirty Years After – Post Communism, Democracy and Illiberalism in Central and Eastern Europe

CfP: Thirty Years After – Post Communism, Democracy and Illiberalism in Central and Eastern Europe

Deadline 25 giugno 2019 Thirty Years After – Post Communism, Democracy and Illiberalism in Central and Eastern Europe International Conference Faculty of History – University of Bucharest 09 – 11 October 2019 Thirty years after the fall of communism in Central and Eastern Europe will be marked by the international, multidisciplinary conference called Thirty Years After – Post Communism, Democracy and Illiberalism in Central and...

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CfP: Mister Gorbachev tear down this wall! Socio-economic and Political Consequences 30 Years After

CfP: Mister Gorbachev tear down this wall! Socio-economic and Political Consequences 30 Years After

Deadline 1 marzo 2019 The 30 years that have passed after the fall of the Berlin Wall have been a challenge not only to countries in the Eastern bloc, but also to the western world. Once the Iron Curtain collapsed, liberal democracy acquired wings but also new meanings. Ever since then it has been the engine to fuel changes, be they economic, social, political or educational. The endeavor to build on the remains of Socialist...

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