Die Besetzung der Vergangenheit
Wedekind Michael Die Besetzung der Vergangenheit: Archäologie, Frühgeschichte und NS-Herrschaftslegitimation im Alpen-Adria-Raum (1939-1945), Innsbruck – Vienna – Bolzano: Studienverlag 2019 ISBN: 978-3-7065-5906-5 ISBN e-book: 978-3-7065-5729-0 https://www.studienverlag.at/buecher/5906/die-besetzung-der-vergangenheit/ Il volume tratta il ruolo che gli archeologi austro/tedeschi ebbero nel legittimare e affiancare il riordino...
CfP: Digging Politics: The Ancient Past and Political Present in East-Central Europe
Deadline 15 marzo 2019 Workshop Date: 12th – 13th June 2019 at Durham University, University College This workshop will explore political uses of ancient pasts and archaeology in east-central Europe in the states during the Cold War and post-communist period. While studies have often focused on individual episodes such as Dacomania in Romania or the Thracian past in Bulgaria, this workshop will bring together different approaches and...