I Domenicani e la Russia

I Domenicani e la Russia

I Domenicani e la Russia Доминиканцы и Россия Roma, 9-10 dicembre 2016 Pontificia Università San Tommaso d’Aquino “Angelicum” Programma  In occasione del bicentenario della presenza dell’Ordine dei Predicatori a San Pietroburgo (1816-2016) Convegno internazionale organizzato dall’Istituto Storico Domenicano...

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The Socialist Car

The Socialist Car

Edited by Lewis H. Siegelbaum The Socialist Car Automobility in the Eastern Bloc Across the Soviet Bloc, from the 1960s until the collapse of communism, the automobile exemplified the tension between the ideological imperatives of political authorities and the aspirations of ordinary citizens. For the latter, the automobile was the ticket to personal freedom and a piece of the imagined consumer paradise of the West. For the...

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