Forgotten Wars
Włodzimierz Borodziej, Maciej Górny Włodzimierz Borodziej and Maciej Górny set out to salvage the historical memory of the experience of war in the lands between Riga and Skopje, beginning with the two Balkan conflicts of 1912–1913 and ending with the death of Emperor Franz Joseph in 1916. The First World War in the East and South-East of Europe was fought by people from a multitude of different nationalities, most of them dressed in...
Mémoire et Sociétés en Europe Centrale et Orientale
Segnaliamo l’uscita dell’ultimo numero di Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest (RECEO) 1-2 (janvier-juin) 2016 Le passé allemand en Europe centrale et orientale : une mémoire en partage The German Past in Central and Eastern Europe: a Shared Memory Coordinateurs – coordinators : Paul Bauer & Barbora Spalová Paul BAUER & Barbora SPALOVÁ Avant-propos – Mémoire et sociétés en Europe centrale et orientale : une...