CfP: Digging Politics: The Ancient Past and Political Present in East-Central Europe
Deadline 15 marzo 2019 Workshop Date: 12th – 13th June 2019 at Durham University, University College This workshop will explore political uses of ancient pasts and archaeology in east-central Europe in the states during the Cold War and post-communist period. While studies have often focused on individual episodes such as Dacomania in Romania or the Thracian past in Bulgaria, this workshop will bring together different approaches and...
Italian Peninsula and Central-Eastern Europe between Middle Ages and Early Modern Era. Economy, Society, Culture
Sapienza Università di Roma Aula degli Organi Collegiali Palazzo del Rettorato 21-22 marzo 2019 21 marzo – 9.30-13.00 Saluti istituzionali I Sessione: Penisola italiana ed Europa centro-orientale: quale frontiera? (pres. Rita Tolomeo) Andrea Fara, Penisola italiana ed Europa centro-orientale tra Medioevo e prima Età moderna. Economia, Società, Cultura – Le ragioni di un Convegno Stephan Karl Sander-Faes, Movable Types...
CfP: Communist Parties in East Central Europe: Frameworks of Knowledge Acquisition and Dissemination 1945–1989
deadline 20 January 2019 Central European University, Budapest 26.04.2019 Going beyond the notion of Communist parties governing East Central Europe after World War 2 as, first, uniform political bodies strictly following the Soviet role-model, and, second, internally monolithic entities engaged in one-directional communication with the societies under their control by means of ideological and political control, the workshop aims to...
La grande Europe au tournant des XXe et XXIe siècles : défis historiques, expérience des crises surmontées, la responsabilité pour l’avenir
8 novembre 2018 Hôtel Regina, 2 Place des Pyramides, 75001 Paris Des anciens dirigeants des pays d’Europe de l’Est et membres actuels du Centre international d’études de la région de la mer Baltique et de la mer Noire et des pratiques de consensus se réuniront avec des universitaires et des intellectuels français pour partager leur expérience dans la résolution des crises politiques dans leurs pays et pour débattre de scénarios de...
Deadline: 30 settembre 2018 Università di Teramo Facoltà di Scienze Politiche – Facoltà di Scienze della Comunicazione Convegno di Studi 26-27 novembre 2018 CALL FOR ABSTRACTS “TRA STORIA E DIRITTO”: DALL’IMPERO AUSTRO-UNGARICO AL NATION- BUILDING DEL I DOPOGUERRA. La parabola della Repubblica cecoslovacca (1918-2018) All’indomani della prima guerra mondiale, la scomparsa degli Imperi centrali e, tra questi, dell’Impero...