Doctoral Program in Global History of Empires in collaboration with the Doctoral Program in Archeology, History, and Art History February 20, 4–6 pm, Fondazione L. Einaudi Greeting remarks: Franca Roncarolo, Director of the Department of Cultures, Politics, Society; Gianluca Cuniberti, Director of the Department of Historical Studies; Federica Morelli, Coordinator of the Doctoral program in Global history of Empires; Icarian Flights...
A World of Empires
Edyta M. Bojanowska A World of Empires. The Russian Voyage of the Frigade Pallada (Belknap Press, 2018). Many people are familiar with American Commodore Matthew Perry’s expedition to open trade relations with Japan in the early 1850s. Less well known is that on the heels of the Perry squadron followed a Russian expedition secretly on the same mission. Serving as secretary to the naval commander was novelist Ivan Goncharov, who turned...