Communiquer en URSS et en Europe socialiste
Segnaliamo l’uscita dell’ultimo numero de Les Cahiers du Monde russe 56/2-3 | 2015 Communiquer en URSS et en Europe socialiste Techniques, politiques, cultures et pratiques sociales Communications and media in the USSR and Eastern Europe Technologies, politics, cultures, social practices
CFP: Radio and the Challenge of Cold War
Radio and the Challenge of Cold War: local organization and global message Panel der 3. Schweizerischen Geschichtstage Freiburg (Switzerland) 7-9 February 2013 Dealdine: 30 April 2012 Departement für Historische Wissenschaften, Universität Freiburg (Schweiz); Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Geschichte As a global ideological fight, the Cold War requires new propagandistic means to promote political, economical, cultural and religious...
Central and Eastern European Media under Dictatorial Rule and in the Early Cold War
MERTELSMANN, Olaf (dir.) Central and Eastern European Media under Dictatorial Rule and in the Early Cold War This volume presents case studies of media under socialist and fascist dictatorial regimes covering the period from the 1930s till the early Cold War. The regional focus is on Central and Eastern Europe. Fourteen authors from nine countries – among them historians, social scientists and media specialists – explore this...