CFP : Beyond Secularization. Religion in Culture, Society and Politics in Central Europe during the 19th and 20th Centuries
Deadline : 31 December 2017 Contact: Publication languages: Czech, English, German Journal Website: stred-centre-casopis-pro- mezioborova-studia-stredni- evropy-19-a-20-stoleti-113 Full text of the journal: Abstracts: http://cejsh.icm. Indexing: ERIH+, SCOPUS, CEEEOL, CEJSH Religion’s role and influence in the public sphere rises and falls in all socioeconomic contexts –...
CfA: Summer Seminar on Nationalism, Religion and Violence
Summer Seminar on Nationalism, Religion and Violence 23.6 – 4.7.2014 Deadline: April 25, 2014 The 2nd Summer Seminar on Nationalism, Religion and Violence (NRVSS 2014) will be organized between June 23 and July 4, 2014 at the Charles University in Prague by Charles University in Prague and International Hellenic University in Thessaloniki, supported by the London School of Economics – LSEE and PRIO. The language of...
CFP: Religion, Politics and Policy-making in Russia: Domestic and International Dimension
Religion, Politics and Policy-making in Russia: Domestic and International Dimension Venue: Tartu (Estonia) Period: Jun. 6 – 7, 2012 Program The conference invites scholars of Russian religious affairs and scholars with research focusing on the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church both in and outside of Russia. Graduate students carrying out advanced work are welcomed to submit proposals for a presentation. The program...
Justice, religion, réconciliation
Appel à contribution Modalités de soumission Les propositions – incluant les titres et les résumés (environ 300 mots) – sont à envoyer avant le 15 octobre 2011 à ces trois adresses : Yazid Ben Hounet : Sandrine Lefranc : Deborah Puccio-Den : Le colloque organisé par l’Association Française des Sciences sociales des Religions (AFSR) se tiendra à...