Per Högselius – Achim Klüppelberg, The Soviet Nuclear Archipelago A Historical Geography of Atomic-Powered Communism
How did we get to the precarious state that we find ourselves in today? What new thinking is needed to tackle the big problems we face? Offering the latest perspectives on both new and perennial issues, books in this series address a wide range of topics of critical importance. An international collection of leading authors encourages us to look at topics from different viewpoints; to think outside the box. Launched to commemorate 30...
The Soviet Century: Archaeology of a Lost World
Karl Schlögel The Soviet Union is gone, but its ghostly traces remain, not least in the material vestiges left behind in its turbulent wake. What was it really like to live in the USSR? What did it look, feel, smell, and sound like? In The Soviet Century, Karl Schlögel, one of the world’s leading historians of the Soviet Union, presents a spellbinding epic that brings to life the everyday world of a unique lost civilization. A museum...
Late Trials of Perpetrators in the Soviet Union: Between Propaganda, Rule of Law, and Memory
International conference. Data: dal 24 ottobre 2024 alle 13:15 al 26 ottobre 2024 alle 14:00 Luogo: Department of History and Cultures This event is financed by the Department of History and Cultures, with additional support from University of Manchester, University of California at Los Angeles, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Université de Strasbourg. SCARICA PROGRAMMA...
Performing Peace and Friendship
Performing Peace and Friendship The World Youth Festivals and Soviet Cultural Diplomacy Pia Koivunen Open Access Performing Peace and Friendship tells the story of how the Soviet Union succeeded in utilizing the World Festival of Youth and Students in its cultural diplomacy from late Stalinism through the early Khrushchev period. Pia Koivunen discusses the evolution of the youth gathering into a Soviet cultural product starting from...
Georgian and Soviet
CLAIRE P. KAISER Georgian and Soviet investigates the constitutive capacity of Soviet nationhood and empire. The Soviet republic of Georgia, located in the mountainous Caucasus region, received the same nation-building template as other national republics of the USSR. Yet Stalin’s Georgian heritage, intimate knowledge of Caucasian affairs, and personal involvement in local matters as he ascended to prominence left his homeland...